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Female, 39 years, born on 22 April 1985

Bishkek, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips


  • Head of sales

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 19 years 5 months

May 2018currently
6 years 11 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Head of Procurement and Contracts
 Organization of the department labor activities, tasks definition and allocation of responsibilities, control of duty accomplishment.  Elaboration of job descriptions, cross-functional and local procedures according to the requirements and policy of main stakeholders.  Optimization of procurement and contract conclusion processes of the company according to VEON’s corporate standards and procedures.  Collaboration with headquarters (Amsterdam) on procurement and real estate projects.  Application of the Kanban method for establishing work priorities.  Analysis bid proposals, evaluation of proposals together with tender committee.  Resolving issues with the contractors and functional department during procurement actions.  Submission and upholding of interests of the internal customer (functional department).  Analysis of the auditor’s report and process performance audit.
July 2017May 2018
11 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Head of Logistics
 Organization of the department labor activities, tasks definition and allocation of responsibilities, control of duty accomplishment.  Elaborate of job descriptions, cross-functional logistics procedures and policy.  Optimization of processes on the organization and performance of warehousing and accounting of equipment/goods of the company according to corporate standards and procedures.  Collaboration with headquarters (Amsterdam) on SCM projects.  Organization of works pertinent to technical review of inventory and further implementation of decisions of the commission on technical review and the commission on inventory charge-off.  Organization and control of equipment customs clearance and sending equipment for repair/replacement according to the legislation of KG, carrying out certification of the equipment in appropriate authorities.  Set of optimal ways of cargo transportation, control of transportations cost, location and delivery periods of cargo by carrier.  Organization of transport insurance of cargo, unloading and loading works.
September 2016July 2017
11 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Contract Conclusion and Maintenance Senior Specialist
* Elaborate and implementation of new purchases and claim managements procedures. * Collaboration with headquarters (Amsterdam) on VPG, GSS, SCM, ESS projects. * Organization and holding of tender: preparation of bidding documents, analysis of contractors and their bid proposals, evaluation of proposals together with engineers, work with tender committee, submission and upholding of interests of the internal customer (functional department). * Preparation, coordination and signing of contracts with the supplier for support of the most favorable conditions of purchase according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic (including tax and customs) and results of a tender. * Database conducting under the concluded contracts. * To ensure the proper and timely execution of contractual obligations by the parties. * Resolving with the suppliers and the functional units of the company issues short delivery and / or incomplete deliveries of equipment and services. * Conduct of claims with suppliers in case of improper fulfillment of contractual obligations. * Monitoring the validity of the primary documentation. * Reconciliation and submission of customs and financial documents to accounting department. * Initialization and monitoring of payments, calculation of payments to suppliers in accordance with contractual provisions
May 2012September 2016
4 years 5 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Contract Maintenance Senior Specialist
* Tasks definition and organization of the work accomplishment, allocation of responsibilities, ensuring cross-functional interaction, forming of relationships. * Analysis of the results and process performance audit. * Providing the consumer with products in due time and a certain place in case of the minimum costs for the implementation of logistics transactions and the used production resources. * Organization and management all of stages of a cargo transportation, cargo tracking. * Collection and preparation of documents, initiation of customs payments, advance declaration of goods before their receipt on point of customs control, interaction with the customs authorities in the process of clearance of goods. * Organization of sending the defective equipment for repair (replacement).
April 2010May 2012
2 years 2 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Contract Maintenance Specialist
* Organization of interaction with the functional units of the Company for maintenance contracts and order, execution of the primary documentation for payments. * To ensure the proper and timely execution of contractual obligations by the parties. * Resolving with the suppliers and the functional units of the Company issues short delivery and / or incomplete deliveries of equipment and services. * Monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of current operations under the contracts concluded, increasing its efficiency. * Monitoring the validity of the primary documentation. * Reconciliation and submission of financial documents to accounting department. * Initialization and monitoring of payments, calculation of payments to suppliers in accordance with contractual provisions. * Conduct of Claims with suppliers in case of improper fulfillment of contractual obligations. * Business correspondence and negotiations with vendors on maintenance contracts. * Preparation, consolidation and granting of the regular reporting to headquarters and the Company's management.
July 2008April 2010
1 year 10 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Contract Management/Procurement Specialist
* Collaboration with headquarters (Moscow city) during elaboration of procedures and models of contracts/agreements for subsequent work with suppliers. * To participate at the organization of tender: preparation of bidding documents, analysis of contractors and their bid proposals, evaluation of proposals together with engineers, work with tender committee, submission and upholding of interests of the internal Customer (functional division). * Conducting a database of suppliers, their estimation. * Preparation of contracts on the basis of templates, confirm conditions of contracts with the supplier for maintenance of as much as possible favorable conditions of purchase; confirm conditions of contracts with experts of the Company for maintenance of conformity of contracts to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic (including tax and customs). * Control of conformity of commercial terms of the order (including the prices) to results of conducted tenders. The organization of signing of contracts. * Database conducting under the concluded contracts. * Performance and the control of the necessary document circulation connected with processes of purchase/contracts necessary for Company. * Preparation and granting of the regular reporting for headquarters and company management. * Organization of introduction and use of information systems for maintenance of electronic document circulation and archive contract and the tender documentation.
November 2006July 2008
1 year 9 months
"Sky Mobile'' LLC
Specialist of Operative Servicing
* Information granting by phone for highly remunerative subscribers of the company. * The permission of their problems by means of corresponding programs. * Consultation and training of trainees * Participation in projects to increase company's income. * In work with clients maintenance accuracy, efficiency, politeness, responsibility and competence. * Maintenance of timely registration of the provided reporting and the working documentation.
June 2005May 2006
1 year
* Information granting by phone for subscribers of ``Bitel'' LTD. * Elaboration and filling of programs for optimization of working processes. * Consultation and training of trainees. * Participation in telesales for increase of the income of the company.


Skill proficiency levels
observance of policy and procedures
fast learning

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Logistics, Procurement, Real Estate, internal control, Law, Audit. Tax and customs legislation, Tendering, Contract conclusion, Development and implementation procedures. SCM, VPG, GSS, ESS projects. Skilss to conduct business negotiations and business correspondence. Strong written and verbal communication Databases, Microsoft Office, PHP, Visual Basic, 1C.

Higher education (bachelor)

Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University
Law, Civil Law
Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University
Information Technologies, Engineer programmer



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

TurkishC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan

Permission to work: Kyrgyzstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter