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Male, 50 years, born on 18 April 1974

Not looking for a job

Australia, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Almaty, Astana, Belarus, Voronezh, Georgia, Other regions, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kazakhstan, Krasnodar, Kyrgyzstan, Minsk, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Perm, Russia, Rostov-na-Donu, Samara, Saint Petersburg, Saratov, Sochi, Stavropol, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Tyumen, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Projects manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 28 years 11 months

September 2018currently
6 years 7 months
Unicon International Ltd.

Afghanistan, unicon-international.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Projects manager
Promoted HSE values on site. Directed and managed project works for gas pipelines and process facilities in conjunction with a Project Manager. Developed Project Management Plan and other Project Documents, quality assurance and control procedures. Independently planned and organised Project Team’s day to day activities. Monitored project document development, project change and variation orders. Reviewed and chased a project delivery plan. Coordinated activities between project locations. Ensured all project objectives were being met with regard to safety, environment, cost, schedule, work environment and quality. Collaborated with a construction team to ensure construction is managed in a safe and timely manner. Assisted with Projects Risk management and facilitated appropriate planning and actions accordingly. Audited the integrity and quality of the brownfield process facilities. Assessed the overall quality of the construction work and its compliance with international standards and best engineering practices. Monitored progress, manpower and budget to keep team members and stakeholders informed on project process and developments. Chaired interface meetings with key stakeholders, prepared minutes of meeting and arranged action tracking. Provided engineering support to a procurement team throughout the project. Obtained all necessary approvals for planned work. Managed and presented all project progress reporting to management ensuring consistent data across all work fronts.
April 2013June 2018
5 years 3 months

Malaysia, www.petronas.com.my

Oil and Gas... Show more

Projects manager
Projects: Gravity assisted simultaneous water and gas injection, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Projects Facilities: Process and production offshore platforms, underwater pipelines and structural facilities Fields Location: Offshore Sarawak and Sabah states, Borneo Island Achievements: Successful delivery of the world first GASWAG (Gravity Assisted Simultaneous Water And Gas) injection project (Samarang Field) with USD 475 million budget; Managed to deliver Non-Metallic Pipeline project 40% ahead of the approved schedule; Developed non-metallic pipeline installation method, which was patented by PETRONAS. Responsibilities: Managed all HSSEQ aspects of the project and prioritized these matters above all others Led the coordination and execution of all project deliverables; Monitored performance of contractors; Ensured scope, schedule and cost delivery of projects is aligned with the overall delivery of the capital portfolio; Managed performance through application of relevant KPIs, project controls reporting and strong team leadership; Focused on systematic management of the project team, processes and strict adherence to project management principles; Managed risk and alignment of delivering project outcomes which are aligned with broader business targets; Gathered lessons learnt across projects and transfer them into digital database.
October 2012April 2013
7 months
Repsol Exploracion S.A.

Russia, www.repsol.com/en/repsol-worldwide/asia/russia/index.cshtml

Oil and Gas... Show more

Projects manager
Project: Full SK Gas Field Development. Facilities: 2 Gas Treatment Trains and Booster Compressor Station, 11 gas well pads, gas pipelines, electrical power supply station, substations and 10kV overhead power lines, water intakes with water supply pipelines, roads and supporting infrastructure Field Location: Western Siberia permafrost area (500 km to Polar Circle) Achievements: • Used reimbursable contract with engineering contractor which allowed to save 10% from the originally estimated budget for engineering works; • Arranged effective interaction among contractors (Western and Russian design companies) and project management teams which enabled the completion of all design activities in accordance with approved schedule; • Initiated video communications across offices, ordering conference equipment for project meetings to be installed in Moscow and Tyumen Repsol offices as well as in design contractor’s offices, which reduced a number of business trips by 25% approximately. • Developed commissioning and start-up procedures for new Gas Treatment Unit and Power Station and successfully managed start-up operations on-site with all safety precautions. All facilities were put into operation on time. Responsibilities: • Organized and supervised project FEED and detailed design with the aim of ensuring compliance with project objectives and in accordance with applicable engineering, construction and Safety and Environment standards and regulations; • Ensured the application of Safety, Environmental and Technical standards to meet regulators requirements during the design phase, guaranteeing the progress of the project and ensuring transfer of lessons learned, best practices and key indicators by means of the knowledge management technologies available.
July 2010July 2012
2 years 1 month
British Petroleum and Rosneft Joint Venture VCNG

Russia, ojscverkhnechonskneftegaz.rosneft.com/about/Rosneft_today/Operational_structure/Development_and_Production/OJSCVerkhnechonskneftegaz/

Oil and Gas... Show more

Projects manager
Project: Full VCNG Oil & Gas Field Development with USD 1.5 billion project budget Facilities: Oil Treatment Unit (output 170,000 barrels per day), Tank Farm, 86 well pads with fluid gathering system, 100km export oil pipeline, Underground Gas Storage, Gas Treatment Trains and Compressor Station, 9 gas injection wells, 32km high pressure gas pipeline, electrical power supply station, 110/35/6kV substations and high voltage overhead power lines, water intakes and water injection system, roads and supporting infrastructure. Field Location: Eastern Siberia Achievements: • Managed the design of high pressure underground gas storage which was the first in Russia; • Successfully managed engineering contractor to complete FEED 10% ahead of schedule; • Initiated improvements in 2 operated process trains to increase the oil treatment unit production from 3 to 4 million tons of oil a year; • Optimized project: reduction of the length of the delivery gas line from 38.5km to 32.0km and the number of gas injectors from 11 down to 9 (drilling cost reduction, the functions of the 2 cancelled wells to be performed by 2 existing wells) allowing for an US$11 million saving; • Saved 6.5mln USD from the estimated budget for compressors using options during the bidding process and direct negotiations with manufacturers; • Replaced existed paper based document control system with digital one based on Documentum Software which reduced the average response time of doc control specialists from 30 to 5 min; Responsibilities: • Estimated, developed and controlled project budget, cost, risks, schedule, quality & HSE issues; • Develop procedures and best practices in engineering, procurement, construction and operation; • Strategic planning of Full Field Development and gas monetization; • Develop the multi-cultural multi-disciplinary Project Management Team and the Project philosophy; • Administrate the design, engineering, construction and maintenance contractors, service suppliers and equipment manufacturers, equipment and materials selection; • Co-ordinate Project personnel mobilization/demobilization • Provided monthly reports to high level key Stakeholders.
March 2005July 2010
5 years 5 months
British Petroleum

Russia, www.bp.com/en_ru/russia.html

Oil and Gas... Show more

Projects manager
Projects: Uvat, Rospan and VCNG Green Fields Development Facilities: Oil treatment facilities, tank farms, production wells, gas and crude pipelines, gas treatment trains and compressor stations, electrical power generators, 110/35/6kV substations and high voltage overhead power lines, water intakes and water injection systems, roads and supporting infrastructure. Field Location: Eastern and Western Siberia Responsibilities: • Managed project and engineering support for BP Major Green Field Projects (Uvat, VCNG, Yamal) with overall budget about 5 bln. USD; • Developed and authored Facilities Engineering policies within BP Russia; • Organized cross functional teams for equipment and services procurement; • Developed contractors pre-qualification criteria; • Managed reliability, maintenance and integrity programs on BP assets as well as costs; • Organized audits and analysis of existing facilities and projects under construction; • Led HAZOP, HAZID and PHSER; • Interacted with national and foreign vendors of various equipment, contractors, scientific-research institutes, other oil/gas companies and national state bodies; • Led and coordinated the works on engineering and economical assessment / expert review of products, instruments, equipment, facilities, software and development of recommendations for their application, increase of efficiency, reliability, installation and operational cost reduction as well as assessment and introduction of new technologies; • Developed technical programs and implemented strategic engineering policies in alignment with company business strategy. • Coordinated engineering support for oil and gas operating facilities. Identified and corrected industrial problems. Executed Technical and Engineering authorization of the proposed concepts; • Participated in the development of Technical Regulations (Codes) and national standards; • Ensured compliance of the company facilities met Russian Federation regulation standards.
July 2002March 2005
2 years 9 months
Royal Dutch Shell

Canada, www.shell.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Senior Project Engineer / Commissioning Team Lead
Project: Sakhalin-II (Molikpaq Offshore Pressure Maintenance Project) Facilities: High Pressure Water Injection and Electrical Power Supply modules Responsibilities: • Managed project and engineering support for Molikpaq Offshore Pressure Maintenance Project; • Responsible for all aspects of pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up of Water Injection and Power Generation modules at “Komsomolsk-on-Amur Shipyard” and Russia’s first offshore “Molikpaq” ice-breaker platform; • Executed upgrades of existing facilities on-board the platform; • Responsible for the design of offshore platform facilities; • Trained technicians and engineers to operate new equipment; • Responsible for documentation handover, Technical Queries and Lessons Learnt; • Organized commissioning and start-up works of project facilities.
December 2000June 2002
1 year 7 months
Fluor Daniel Euraisa Inc.

Russia, www.fluor.com/russia/en

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Electrical Project Engineer
Project: Caspian Pipeline Project (CPC) Facilities: 1580 km oil export pipeline D1020mm (42”) with throughput 35 mln tons/year and 5 booster pump stations driven by Siemens Gas Turbines) Responsibilities: • Represented Fluor Daniel, on the construction of oil pipeline and associated pump station construction facilities in Kazakhstan and Russia; • Worked for the Commissioning and Start-Up Team and took responsibilities for the direct control and implementation of pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up activities carried out by sub-contractors, vendors and operations personnel. • Executed the completion of tests and documentation to the satisfaction of the Russian/Kazakh authorities.
January 2000December 2000
1 year
Siemens AG

Kazakhstan, www.siemens.com/global/en/home.html

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Senior Electrical Engineer
Project: Caspian Pipeline (CPC) Project Facilities: Cable lines and equipment shelters along 1580 km oil export pipeline Responsibilities: • Supervised pipeline maintenance, inspection and corrosion monitoring; • Managed contractors during fibre-optical cable installation along existing oil export pipeline and telecom equipment commissioning; • Arranged and supervised SCADA start-up & commissioning works.
July 1996December 1999
3 years 6 months
JSC Electrosevkavmontage

Russia, test.eskm.net/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Electrical Engineer
Responsibilities: * Duties included contracts, negotiations, organization and management of the job in remotely located Electrical Power Plants. As well, order of equipment and materials with all necessary documentation; * Company representative responsible for witnessing of Factory Acceptance Tests, final acceptance of QC documentation and resolution of site queries; * Review of electrical facilities design; * Hook-up and commissioning of power installations up to 220kV; * Develop inspection and test procedures; * Test and inspect electrical equipment, including fault finding and repair, live function testing of power distribution circuits and completion of all relevant documentation; * Supervise teams of technicians, and construction electricians; * Maintain Senior Authorization level on HV equipment to be responsible for the issue of electrical work permits, HV testing and commissioning of electrical systems.
January 1996July 1996
7 months


Power Industry... Show more

Responsibilities: * Service and maintenance of low and medium voltage power substations.


Skill proficiency levels
Project management
Negotiation skills
Start-up project
Project Expert
Time management
Data Analysis
MS Office
MS PowerPoint
Business Planning
Business Analysis
MS Project
MS Excel
MS Word
MS SharePoint
Communication skills
Change Management
Agile Project Management
Launching new projects
Oilfield Technology
Project Documentation
Project Finance

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B

About me

I have 24 years of onshore and offshore experience in a number of Project management and engineering roles within the oil & gas industry. My experience covers concept select, design, execution and commissioning of surface and subsurface facilities in a range of roles including field based roles as well as leadership roles. To date, I have worked on 5 major international projects in Afghanistan, Canada, Europe, Malaysia and Russia with budgets up to US1.5bln. I have also previously worked for Oil and Gas Majors such as British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Repsol Exploracion, Petronas, Rosneft, TNK and I am well versed in their engineering practices and guidelines: GIS & GP, DEP, EPP, PTS, GOST as well as in international project engineering standards and practices such as ASME, ASTM, API, DNV, ISO, etc. I have rich experience in concept development, FEED, detailed design, procurement, fabrication, installation, commissioning, testing and inspection of wide range of downstream and upstream facilities including H2S, High Pressure, High Temperature & High Voltage systems. Furthermore, I have a PhD degree in Industrial Engineering and was also HAZOP Chairman at BP Russia. More importantly, I worked with multinational and multicultural teams in a number of countries all of which has allowed me to easily communicate.

Higher education (PhD)

CAPM number 2997595
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Oil and gas field development, Industrial Engineering
Kuban State Technological University
Oil, gas and energy, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrical technologies



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

OPITO, Offshore Safety

Tests, examinations

H2S Safety Training
SEQU, Safety
Electrical Safety
OSHAcademy, Occupational Safety & Health

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Australia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter