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Male, 47 years, born on 18 January 1978

Not looking for a job

Bishkek, willing to relocate (Russia), prepared for business trips

Procurement manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 23 years 2 months

September 2021currently
3 years 7 months
Центр конкурентоспособности агробизнеса


Procurement Specialist
Procurement of goods, non-consulting and consulting services in accordance with World Bank regulations
April 2019April 2021
2 years 1 month
Chemonics International Inc., USAID Time To Read
Procurement Specialist
Supported all aspects of procurement of commodities and services for the project activities. Led the procurement planning, solicitation, selection, evaluation, negotiation, drafting/executing subcontracts and purchase orders, post-award procurement and subcontract management, payment, and closeout with all local vendors and service providers. Ensured that all project procurements and subcontracting fully comply with USAID rules and regulations, Chemonics policies and procedures, and local laws. Worked with the technical and operations team to develop the scopes of work and technical specifications and conducted monitoring of the selected companies at each stage of the process to ensure high quality products and services.
January 2015December 2020
6 years
Self-employed, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Consultant on procurement/Translator
Consultancy on procurement issues, preparation of tender packages, translation services.
April 2017July 2017
4 months
ACDI/VOCA (USA), Agro Horizon Project, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Short-Term TA: Procurement and Inventory System
The USAID funded Agro Horizon Project promotes economic growth by increasing employment in the agricultural sector, especially for women and youth, while improving the availability of nutritious foods and increasing the market share of the targeted crops in both domestic and foreign markets. The Agro Horizon Project is a key component of USAID Kyrgyz Republic’s overall economic development program designed to accelerate diversified and equitable economic growth in Kyrgyz Republic. Provision of trainings, coaching, and practical assistance to 12 SMEs in agricultural sector on procurement and inventory systems. Elaboration of manuals on procurement and inventory systems for project partner SMEs and project staff in English, Russian and, Kyrgyz languages. Preparation of reports (in English and Russian languages) and exit presentation to project staff.
May 2013May 2014
1 year 1 month
Zhol-Sapa LLC (Kazakhstan), CAREC Corridor 2, Astana, Kazakhstan
International Expert on Procurement
ADB funded Program, Reconstruction of 430 km of roads in Mangistau Oblast of Kazakhstan. Procurement of goods, works, services and recruitment of Consultants in accordance with Asian Development Bank procurement regulations.
April 2012May 2013
1 year 2 months
Chemonics International (USA), Local Development Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Team Leader, Procurement Division (Nov-12 – Apr-13); Acting Team Leader, Procurement Division (Aug-12 – Oct-12); Procurement Specialist (May-12 – Jul-12); Procurement Adviser (Apr-12 – May-12)
USAID funded Program. The objective was to stimulate rapid, diversified, and sustained economic growth by supporting local economic development in Kyrgyzstan. This program aimed at building on the local dynamic for growth in target municipalities where selected sub-sectors/chains of local economic value have realistic potential to become engines of growth for those locales within a relatively short timeframe. As Team Leader/Acting Team Leader: Responsible for management of the Procurement Division within SAF unit and Asset Management Division within Operations unit, including staff as well as all contractual, financial and logistical issues related to procurement. As Procurement Specialist: Provision of trainings, guidance, mentorship in USAID procurement guidelines, and assistance to the Project Procurement Team in conducting procurement of goods and services for a project. Procurement of goods, works and services in accordance with USAID Procurement Guidelines. As Procurement Adviser: Provision of trainings, guidance, mentorship, coaching in USAID procurement guidelines, and assistance in conducting procurement of goods and services for a project grantee for more than $165,000.00
June 2011January 2012
8 months
UNICON International (GB), Power Sector Rehabiliation Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
National Procurement Expert
ADB funded PPTA. (i) the rehabilitation of hydropower plants located along the Naryn River and (ii) strengthening of the distribution companies’ commercial operations through introduction of a modern billing and collection system. Assessment of the Kyrgyz Republic procurement laws and decrees. Assessment of the Executing and Implementing Agencies procurement capacities. Preparation of bidding documents and RFP packages in accordance with ADB procurement guidelines.
June 2010September 2011
1 year 4 months
IRG International (USA), Confidence Building Initiatives Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Procurement specialist
USAID OTI funded Program. Conflict mitigation after April 2010 events in the Kyrgyz Republic. Procurement of goods, works and consultant services in accordance with USAID procurement and financial regulations and in compliance with the Kyrgyz Republic Finance and Tax regulations.
December 2009July 2010
8 months
Project Management Office under the Ministry of Finance, Issyk-Kul Sustainable Development Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Procurement specialist
ADB funded Program, aims to improve the health of resident population in the Issyk-Kul oblast and to ensure the environmental preservation of Lake Issyk-Kul, through enhancing various urban basic service delivery, including sewerage, sanitation, solid waste management, and water supply, in Karakol, Balykchy, and Cholpon-Ata. Procurement of goods, works, services and recruitment of Consultants for the project in accordance with ADB guidelines, and management of corresponding contracts.
December 2009December 2009
1 month
United Nations Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Short-term assignment: Adviser on Procurement Issues for UN Contingency Plan
Development of a procurement plan for potential humanitarian appeal. Carry out a needs assessment with UN organizations and partners of humanitarian supplies that would be needed in cold weather energy crisis. Develop a database of items for contingency planning purposes.
July 2009December 2009
6 months
ATT Concepts, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Acting Director General
Liaison with partners and clients. Establishment of partnership with civil construction companies. Supervision and provision of guidance to staff in: (i) planning of company activities; (ii) development of company growth strategy; (iii) strategic planning of broadening company deliverables. Promotion of the company. Management of: staff; construction processes; purchases of construction materials; processes of design preparations; bid proposal preparations.
September 2007July 2009
1 year 11 months
GRM International (Australia), Central Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Program, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Regional Procurement and MIS Officer (Aug-2008 -Jul-2009); Regional Procurement Officer (Sep-2007 - Aug-2008)
DFID GB funded Program. Aim of the project is to provide Harm Reduction services in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Procurement: Coordination of Program procurement activities in three Central Asian countries. Preparation of procurement plans; Ensuring sufficiency of harm reduction commodities with beneficiaries, timely delivery, quality assurance, clients’ feedback on them; Projection of clients’ coverage in Central Asian Region; Coordination with Global Fund on the quantities of commodities; Research on Procurement Opportunities in Central Asia; Conducting focus group discussions with most at risk population; Provision of technical assistance and capacity building for the Program partners and sub-grantees. MIS: Maintaining MIS comprehensiveness of data; supervision of timely uploads; Support to Program in MIS technical development; Promotion of MIS to stakeholders.
January 2007September 2007
9 months
Project Management Unit under the Ministry of Agriculture, Community Based Infrastructure Services Sector Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Engineering Services and Procurement Coordinator
Asian Development Bank credit for rehabilitation and construction of water supply systems in villages and small towns of Chui, Osh, Batken, and Jalal-Abad Oblasts. Procurement of goods, works, services and recruitment of Consultants. Contract Management.
April 2002January 2007
4 years 10 months
Carl Bro International (Denmark), Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Procurement specialist (Apr-2005 - Jan-2007); Interpreter/Translator (Apr-2002 - Apr-2005)
World Bank credit and DFID GB grant for rehabilitation and construction of rural water supply systems in Talas, Naryn, and Issyk-Kul Oblasts. As Procurement Specialist: Procurement of goods and works in accordance with the guidelines of World Bank. Trainings and consultations for Community Drinking Water Users Unions (CDWUU), Ayil Okmotus (village administration), and contractors on procurement issues. As Interpreter/Translator: Interpreting and translation; organization of logistics; maintaining the project database, etc.
March 2001October 2001
8 months
ARCADIS BMB Consulting (the Netherlands), Preparing the second phase of the Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform Program, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Project Assistant
ADB funded PPTA. (i) formulation of an enterprise reform strategy, (ii) adoption of an international accounting and audit standards, (iii) social safety net program to cover retrenched workers from enterprises, and (iv) judicial reform to enhance and attract foreign investment by improving and strengthening court and arbitration procedures. Ensuring data collection related to the status of industrial enterprises from all over the Kyrgyzstan (more than 60), finding out their issues, interpreting and translation
February 2000March 2000
2 months
IFES, Internews Network Kyrgyzstan, Monitoring and Analysis of Electronic Mass Media during the Elections Campaign, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Electronic Mass Media Analyst
Estimating transparency and impartiality of the elections through monitoring and analyzing electronic Mass Media. Monitoring TV programs, ensuring TV programs record, analysis of records
October 1999January 2000
4 months
UNIDO, Investment and Technology Promotion Division, Preparation of Industrial Investment Projects, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Project Officer
Translation of fifty Industrial Investment Projects from Russian into English
September 1999October 1999
2 months
American University in Kyrgyzstan
Publishing Coordinator
Preparing and issuing the Annual Academic Catalog for the American University in Kyrgyzstan. Contracting the print houses.


Skill proficiency levels
Analytical skills
Data Analysis
Project management
Team management
Working with youth
Working with rural population
Time management
Running correspondence
Preparing Presentations
Public Speaking
Working in multi-ethnic teams
Procurement Management
Liaison with government officials
Contract Negotiation

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B, C

About me

Motivated procurement professional with wide experience of procuring of various types of goods and services, who is focusing on partnership within the function and beyond to strive for the transparent and cost efficient procurement. Possess wide working experience as national and international procurement officer operating in: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan

Higher education (master)

Management Academy under the President of Kyrgyz Republic
Business Administration, HR management
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
Law, International Law
American University in Kyrgyzstan
Mass Media, TV Journalism
Military Department of the Kyrgyz State University
Liaison troops, Military Interpreter and Translator



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan

Permission to work: Kyrgyzstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter