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Female, 45 years, born on 16 March 1979

Moldova, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Human Resource Manager, Project management

3 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 15 years 9 months

October 2013September 2016
3 years

Moldova, novateca.md

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

Partnerships Manager, Novateca Program
Facilitating the expansion of the Global Libraries Program from 68 libraries in the Pilot phase to 600 public libraries; Creating and managing new library initiatives, such as Innovative Library Service Grants, Librarian Travel Fund, Library Service Replication Fund; Initiating and managing partnerships with national and international organizations (private, public, and NGOs). Supporting and encouraging the development of local partnerships between libraries and local organizations; Developed the Department Strategy, Work plans and Budgets, tested and adapted them on the go; Created efficient communications systems with librarians and partners.
November 2015July 2016
9 months

Moldova, cnfa.org

Business Services... Show more

Consultant of the New Business Development Team
Provided input for project proposals (activities, competitor analysis, budgets and PMP); Organized New Business Development Conferences; Liaised with Government, NGO, private sector key partners; Negotiated Letters of Support with implementing partners; Recruited the local project team; Provided support to the CNFA New Business Development Teams’ missions to Moldova.
January 2008September 2013
5 years 9 months
CNFA (Cultivating New Fronteers in Agriculture)

Moldova, www.cnfa.org/

Business Services... Show more

Member of the New Business Development Team
Provided input for project proposals; Conducted Stakeholder Analysis; Conducted various research; Data collection and analysis; Negotiated Letters of Support with potential implementing partners; Negotiated Letters of Commitment with potential key staff; Ran local staff recruitment (from job ad to signing Letters of Commitment); Coordinated and organized the CNFA HQ New Business Development Teams' missions to Moldova.
January 2007September 2013
6 years 9 months
CNFA (Cultivating New Fronteers in Agriculture)

Moldova, www.cnfa.org/

Business Services... Show more

Country Director, USAID Farmer to Farmer Moldova Program
Managed an independent office team, reporting to CNFA Washington, DC. Oversaw activities that helped about 75 host organizations; Expanded the F2F MD program to Transnistria, the frozen conflict area of Moldova; Guided and directed the assignments of 150 short term volunteer experts; Oversaw the development of 150 Scopes of Work for the volunteer assignments; Initiated and developed relations with partners at all levels, from Ministry of Agriculture, International Donor Organizations, Banks and Micro-Lending institutions, farmers organizations, input supply cooperatives, production and processing units, Universities etc; Developed annual work plans and budgets, reported to HQ and USAID local Mission. Responsible for project finance management and reporting; Managed the Human Resources component of the project.
July 2012June 2013
1 year
Chisinau Toastmasters Club (Public Speaking and Leadership)

Moldova, www.facebook.com/ToastmastersChisinau

Educational Institutions... Show more

Chaired the monthly Club Officers Meetings; Chaired the Events Committee Meetings; Mentored the newly elected Vice President for Education; Maintained membership steady growth; Maintained contact with the club sponsors (mentors); For four consecutive years, ensured the club earned the President's Distinguished Club Award – the highest possible award reflecting membership growth, progress in educational programs and accuracy of reporting to Headquarters. Mentored club members and officers. Organized Special Events: Christmas Party, Picnics with contests, games, and guests from both Toastmasters Clubs from Moldova; Organized visits of Chisinau Toastmasters Members to other clubs.
January 2011January 2012
1 year 1 month
Chisinau Toastmasters Club (Public Speaking and Leadership)

Moldova, www.facebook.com/ToastmastersChisinau

Educational Institutions... Show more

Vice President of Education, Founding member
Contributed to the organization of the Club Charter; Contributed to the organization of the first International Speech Contest in Chisinau, with guests from Toastmasters Ukraine (prepared agenda, planned and attended Contest Organizing Committee meetings supervised the logistics, ensured sponsorship for the event); Planned the club's weekly meetings (prepared agenda, communicated with members, etc); Planned, organized and participated at Club monthly Officers meetings;
January 2005January 2007
2 years 1 month
CNFA (Cultivating New Fronteers in Agriculture)

Moldova, www.cnfa.org

Business Services... Show more

USAID Farmer to Farmer Project Coordinator
Identified 15 partner organizations. Developed 12 Project Strategies for partners working in the High Value Agriculture Sector; Developed 38 Expert Mission Terms of Reference on a variety of subjects: association development, business management, marketing management, production and processing technologies, harvesting and post-harvesting technologies, strategy development, action planning, conducting feasibility studies, insurance practices, etc; Developed 10 Project Impact Assessments; Managed about 40 expert missions: conducted briefing and debriefing sessions, arranged mission logistics, recruited translators and drivers, collected data for reports, arranged the mission schedules, provided the beneficiary with reports and recommendations Provided on-the-job training to newly hired Project Coordinators and Translators; Contributed to the program semi-annual and annual reporting; Maintained permanent contact with project stakeholders.
January 2001January 2005
4 years 1 month
AGROinform NGO

Moldova, www.agroinform.md

Business Services... Show more

Training Department Coordinator
Supervised the creation of the Training Department. Organized Training of Trainers cycles, acted as co-trainer. Coordinated the training activities for 30 member-organizations: planned, organized and evaluated at least 150 training sessions for a total of 2,500 participants (local, regional and national level); Collected and summarized quarterly reports of the member organizations; Offered training to regional organizations in Participatory Extension Planning and Extension Methods; Contributed to the development of the Farmer Profile Database: selected the programming company, negotiated the technical details, informed and trained regional advisers on database working principles; Lead the Youth Professional Development Program (one-year internship program for young professionals). Monitored training activities and evaluated their impact.


Skill proficiency levels
Event Management
Public Speaking
Project Expert
Project management
Ведение переговоров
Проведение презентаций
Управление персоналом
Организаторские навыки
Обучение персонала
Английский язык
Подбор персонала

About me

Fifteen years of progressively responsible positions within development organizations. Implemented a wide range of technical assistance programs financed by international donors (USAID, BMGF, ICCO, Oxfam/Novib). Full Donor Project Cycle experience: from project proposal development to close-out. Training activities and events coordination. Adults’ education and Extension practices. Public speaking. Partnerships development and leveraging resources. Managing and empowering subordinates. Intimate knowledge of virtual teams mechanisms. Research, data analysis and report writing. Fluent in English/ Romanian/ Russian, good command of French.

Higher education (master)

Newport International University
General economics, Executive MBA
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
International Economic Relations Department, International Economic Relations Management



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Moldova

Permission to work: Moldova

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter