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Male, 66 years, born on 17 June 1958

Baku, willing to relocate (Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Crimea, Saint Petersburg, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Construction Manager, Project Manager, Site Manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 39 years 9 months

February 2015currently
10 years 2 months
Caspian Investment and Development Compani


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Projects manager
Obtaining and registration of construction permitting documentation. Preparation contract documentation, discussing and signing of contracts on design and constructions. Manage the projects, participate in and promote development of effective relationships between all parties involved in projects. Ensure appropriate staff (administration, project control and project service, accounting, safety, quality, procurement, transport, etc.) is employed and utilized for the fulfillment of tasks. Control of construction process, quality, progress, budget and safety of construction. Selection and a management of the personnel involved in the project. Preparation and delivery of the project. Participation in state reception commissioning group.
January 2010February 2015
5 years 2 months


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Dep. Project Manager, Contracts Manager
Assist the management team in delivering the Project to Client in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract agreement. Review all project related documentation, correspondences, commercial and contractual issues that others need to be aware of or need to act upon, site queries, work scope changes including waivers, concessions etc. Manage the project team members, subcontractors and various other entities involved in the project and motivate them that they honestly fulfilled their duties and tasks assigned to them. Ensure that safety, construction, quality policies, as appropriate, are followed on the project.
February 2008December 2009
1 year 11 months
Technicas Reunidas


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Construction Manager
Manage the construction, fabrication and equipment installation activities. Conduct weekly project review meetings. Review and approve the safety, quality and construction execution procedures. Work with Project Manager to ensure project is appropriately staffed for the construction and regularly report to him on all project status. Monitor the performance of subcontractors during construction phase and meet with subcontractors’ management for discussion on project issues and status. Implement project safety, quality, schedule and cost objectives during the construction, commissioning and startup phases. Ensure effective project closeout within budget and schedule, required quality and safety specifications.
September 2006February 2008
1 year 6 months


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Construction Superintendant
Review contract documentation, liaise with planning engineers to establish and implement systems for management of construction activities. Monitor the project progress and execution of the work to ensure full compliance with all relevant standards, contract documents, specifications, method statements, policies, quality and work procedures. Work closely with the Construction Manager to see that the project schedule requirements are met. Contribute to project technical records including changes in scope of work, and reasons for major assumptions, Take part in commissioning activities.
October 2001September 2006
5 years
British Petroleum


Oil and Gas... Show more

Civil Construction Manager
Responsible for all civil construction activities of the projects: safety, planning, execution, quality control, quantity surveying, timely completion and commissioning. Conduct weekly project review meetings. Study project contract documents and drawings, review and approve construction execution plan, work method statements, inspection and test plan, test results of construction materials (soil, aggregate, cement, concrete, reinforcement steel, structural steel, etc.) prior to start of construction activities. Ensure that works are carried out in accordance with the project specifications, drawings, procedures and schedules. Revise and approve the quantities of performed works and invoices for payment. Supervise of the construction staff to ensure that they are competent for tasks set.
January 2000October 2001
1 year 10 months
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Dep. Construction Manager
Review and approve shop drawings, work method statements, inspection and test plan, concrete and asphalt mix designs, test results. Review materials delivered to site for conformance with approved samples, materials and equipment and report findings to Project Manager. Inspect the works to ensure compliance with the contract documents and approved shop drawings and method statements. Maintain records of inspections made, tests performed, work executed. Carry out quantity surveying, witness the quality inspection and tests, review and approve reports. Take part in preparing punches lists and commissioning of completed construction works and close out commissioning documentation.
May 1996January 2000
3 years 9 months


Government Organizations... Show more

Construction Manager
Manage the execution of construction, commissioning and close-out of projects. Ensure that the necessary site supervisory staff is employed when required, and their duties and objectives clearly defined. Determine the Construction organization structure required to carry out the work including manpower planning. Maintain awareness and promote project goals in respect of quality, quantity, schedule, budget and technical integrity. Review engineering design packages for constructability issues and lessons learned, technical queries, field change requests and change orders. Maintain project safety awareness and enforce company safety policy. Co-ordinate the work and schedule between the parties involved. Conduct weekly construction progress meetings with construction team. Attend weekly progress meetings conducted by the Client.
July 1985May 1996
10 years 11 months
Construction Management Department” by City Authorities.


Government Organizations... Show more

Contracts Manager / Project Manager
Timely completion the projects in accordance with the project specifications, drawings, procedures and schedules. Review updates to the Construction Management System. Manage the projects, participate in and promote development of effective relationships between all parties involved in projects. Ensure appropriate staff (administration, project control and project service, safety, quality, quantity, procurement, transport, etc.) is employed and utilized for the fulfillment of tasks. Implement project safety, quality, schedule and cost objectives during the construction, commissioning and start-up phase. Conduct weekly management meetings, review and approve quality, quantity, safety and progress reports, analyze reason of delay and take corrective measures, ensure that lessons learned are appropriately considered. Develop and train personal.


Skill proficiency levels
Professionally qualified and highly experienced Construction Engineer

Higher education

Moscow Construction Engineering Institute
Construction, Industrial and Civil Construction



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

TurkishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Azerbaijan

Permission to work: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter