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Male, 41 year, born on 2 June 1983

Started the new job

Bishkek, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Senior software engineer

  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Chief technical officer (CTO)

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 14 years

August 2024August 2024
1 month
Interbank Processing Center


Financial Sector... Show more

Director of developement and testing department
Leading development and testing teams, ensuring that projects are completed on time, guiding the teams towards successful completion of projects, providing technical guidance and mentoring to team members, helping them to develop their skills and grow professionally and coordinating with other teams to ensure the successful integration of systems. Technologies: Golang, Docker, REST API, SOAP, Microservices, DDD, Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis, PostgreSQL, SDLC, SOLID
November 2021August 2023
1 year 10 months
C Technology LLC

Bishkek, ctechnology.kg/

Deputy head, Director of Development
Leading development, PM, analysis teams, ensuring that projects are completed on time and on budget, overseeing the development process, ensuring that coding standards are met, guiding the teams towards successful completion of projects, providing technical guidance and mentoring to team members, helping them to develop their skills and grow professionally and coordinating with other teams to ensure the successful integration of systems. Projects: Web portal, e-Gov services, QR Login, Notification services, Contact Centre API Technologies: J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, JSP, Hibernate, Flyway, Thymeleaf, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Apache Tomcat, jMeter, Docker, REST API, SOAP, Microservices, DDD, Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, WebSocket, JMS, ELK, Redis, Php, Yii2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Django, SDLC, SOLID
June 2021November 2021
6 months
C Technology LLC

Bishkek, ctechnology.kg/

Java Team Lead
Leading java development team, ensuring that coding standards are met, guiding the team towards successful completion of projects, providing technical guidance and mentoring to team members and coordinating with other teams to ensure the successful integration of systems. Projects: Campus, Remote identification, Scoring system, New mobile banking application, Technologies: J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, JSP, Hibernate, Flyway, Thymeleaf, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Apache Tomcat, jMeter, Docker, REST API, SOAP, Microservices, DDD, Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, PostgreSQL, Python, Django, SDLC, SOLID
December 2019June 2021
1 year 7 months
ZeroOne Accelerator

Bishkek, 01edu.kg

IT Consultant, Co-Founder, Instructor
Leading the team of instructors, ensuring that educational standards are met, guiding the team towards successful completion of courses, providing educational/technical guidance and mentoring to team members, helping them to develop their skills and grow professionally and coordinating with other teams to ensure customer satisfaction. Courses: Python, Java, Javascript, Web development
May 2020April 2021
1 year

Bishkek, zakupki.gov.kg

Ведущий программист Java EE
Leading backend and frontend development team, overseeing the development process, ensuring that coding standards are met, guiding the team towards successful completion of projects, providing technical guidance and mentoring to team members and coordinating with other teams to ensure the successful integration of systems. Projects: Catalog and Tandoo projects for Government Procurement Portal Technologies: Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Hibernate, Flyway, Thymeleaf, SQL, jMeter, Docker, REST API, SOAP, Microservices, DDD, PostgreSQL, SDLC, SOLID
May 2019December 2019
8 months
Ulutsoft Ltd.


Project Manager, Scrum Master, Backend Developer
Animal Identification and Traceability System – The State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Safety Inspectorate under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Full stack web and mobile application build with .Net Core, Angular, React Native, PostgreSQL)
November 2018March 2019
5 months
TC Health Ltd.


Remote .Net Developer
Implementation of the National Database of Medicines and Medical Devices
August 2017December 2018
1 year 5 months
International Alatoo University

Bishkek, alatoo.edu.kg/

Part-time Lecturer at Computer Science Dept
Instructed OOP using Java course (Core), Data Structures course (Core), Web programming with Spring Framework course (Core)
July 2017December 2018
1 year 6 months
Ulutsoft Ltd.


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Lead developer
Developed Budget loans automation system using Java Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Jquery and Mysql – Ministry of Finance of Kyrgyz Republic
August 2015August 2017
2 years 1 month
International Alatoo University

Kyrgyzstan, com.iaau.edu.kg

Educational Institutions... Show more

Instructing lectures on Java Programming, OOP, Artificial Intelligence, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Image Processing, DBMS
December 2012August 2015
2 years 9 months

Russia, www.crediteurope.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Developer at Core Banking Development Division
Working in Retail Loans development group at present, Languages: Java, XML, PL/SQL, Virtual Card(Internet Banking) project, Welcome screen project, SQL tuning for performance improvement, Writing batch processes, Developing, debugging, deploying GUI, model, database, business logic of CORE banking applications, Used IDEs/frameworks: Oracle with TOAD, XML-based GUI framework, Eclipse, MS VSS
January 2011December 2012
2 years
TOBB University of Economics and Technology

Turkey, www.etu.edu.tr

Educational Institutions... Show more

Research and Project Assistant
Project: Graph-based Indexing and Matching for the Shape Recognition Problem, PI, TUBITAK Career Project, 2010 - 2012 (The Scientific and Technological Reseach Council of Turkey), Advisor: M.Fatih Demirci (http://mfdemirci.etu.edu.tr), Thesis: Pattern Recognition - Shape abstraction through multiple optimal solutions, {Relevant courses: Image Processing, Automata, Artificial Intelligence, GPA: 3.33/4.0
July 2009May 2010
11 months
Sekom Iletisim AS

Turkey, www.sekom.com.tr

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Video Technologies Engineer
Turksat HeadEnd Project, HeadEnd installation and deployments in different cities within Turkey for Cable TV, Switch and Router Configurations, IRD, DCM, RF Gateway, CableVista configurations for acquisition, processing and transmission of video signals, Preparing demos for different CISCO devices, Used various networking tools
January 2009May 2009
5 months
IRIS Bilgi Teknolojileri Ltd. Sti

Turkey, www.iris.com.tr

Flash GUI Developer
Developing and designing user web GUIs using Photoshop, CSS, HTML and Flash, {Developing dynamic flash GUIS using ActionScript2.0, Used tools: Dreamweaver, Flash, MySQL


Skill proficiency levels
Project management
База данных: Oracle
Spring MVC
Spring Boot
Django Framework

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Responsibility, Eagerness to learn, Flexibility, Creativity

Higher education (PhD)

Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University
Computer Engineering, PhD at Computer Engineering
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Computer Engineering, Computer Engineer
Middle East Technical University
Computer Engineering, Computer Engineer
Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University
Computer Engineering, Computer Engineer



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianB2 — Upper Intermediate

TurkishC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan

Permission to work: Kyrgyzstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter