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Мужчина, 36 лет, родился 1 сентября 1988

Бишкек, готов к переезду, готов к командировкам

Специалист по закупкам/ Procurement Specialist

  • Менеджер по закупкам

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 14 лет 4 месяца

Март 2017по настоящее время
8 лет 1 месяц

Кыргызстан, kg.undp.org

Procurement Specialist
Support procurement processes for the Programme/Project focusing on achievement of the following results: - Full compliance of procurement activities with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies; implementation of the effective internal control. - Preparation of procurement plans for the office and projects and their implementation monitoring. - Organization of quality research of local and international markets for goods and services required for projects needs, including verification of products availability, price analysis and search for potential vendors. - Interaction with and guidance for national partners and independent experts on development of adequate specifications for goods and services in line with the UNDP procurement rules and procedures as well as review and adjustment as necessary. - Organization of procurement processes including preparation and conduct of RFQs, ITBs or RFPs. - Organization of technical and financial evaluation of offers (quotations, bids and proposals), including support to Evaluation Committee in terms of guidance, clarifications, preparation of Minutes etc. - Implementation of functions of an Ex-Officio for procurement processes. - Creation of vendors in Atlas. - Submission of procurement cases to UNDP CO review and contract award. - Preparation of requests with necessary supporting documents for issuance of Purchase orders, contracts, subcontracts and other documents related to procurement of goods and services. - Creation and budget check requisitions in Atlas. - Preparation of and follow up with submissions subject to the relevant Procurement Committee (CAP, RACP and ACP). - Implementation of effective maintenance of procurement records (regular filing, archiving, reporting) and timely and regular submission of originals to UNDP. - Preparation of procurement related reports as required. - Support with and guidance for effective performance evaluation of contracted suppliers through established formats. - Support to effective management of procurement contracts through establishing a contract monitoring tool and follow up as necessary. - Development and update of the rosters of suppliers, implementation of supplier selection and evaluation. - Participation in the training for the operations/projects staff on procurement, administration. - Briefing personnel on general procurement matters. Key achievements: A big number of procurement cases of different complexity and value were handled and processed by me with high quality and without delays. Good procurement and other related experience and technical skills and knowledge of required procedures and norms allowed me to devote most of time to bring completion to strategic cases as requested and supported by the CO, and at the same time take a grip of the rest of the procurement work, thus supporting a wide range of Cluster projects and colleagues.
Январь 2015Март 2017
2 года 3 месяца

Италия, wfp.org

Logistics Execution Support System (LESS) Expert
In order to achieve integrated supply chain management, WFP has developed the Logistics Execution Support System (LESS) that integrates the supply chain, the inventory accounting and real time tracking systems for an improved delivery of the Logistics Function. Responsibilities: - Participation in the definition of the LESS overall support strategy for the Rollout by working on predefined processes and procedure; - Suggestion of improvements and refinements to processes and procedures for approval by Support Management Team; - Development, design and implementation of Support tools, standards and templates in line with the agreed support strategy to facilitate the implementation of LESS Rollout; - Performance of periodical status reports on issues related to project risks, issues and overall support needs, providing supervisor with key information for his/her decision; - Maintenance of corporate platform business processes documentation, related user profiles and user guides; - Monitoring and evaluation of the strategy of WFP Supply Chain for managing Master Data and propose adjustments to it accordingly; - Delivery of business and technical support to CO/RB/HQ staff during implementation of LESS; - Propose improvements to WFP Supply Chain Master Data management processes; - Taking actions to address specific support requests related to master data management and data analysis; - Receipt and analysing of support requests from CO/ RB/HQ; - Provision of proactive support to requestors in the form of "how to" feedback, user guides, procedures and protocols; - Liaise with technical team to correct system errors/fixes; - Monitor status of support requests and ensure proper and timely follow up; - Ensure support tools are correctly and promptly updated to reflect actual status of support; - Contribute to support's knowledge management process, repository and the LESS project team capacity building by ensuring knowledge transfer/training. Key achievements: Working with LESS is a great experience of being a part of the team, which managed to introduce an innovative and complex system that gives full visibility of food commodities as they move along the supply chain, from point of receipt up to the final delivery for distribution. Whether on the high seas, in port, on the road or in the most remote warehouse, LESS tells where commodities are, and their availability, down to the batch number. Being a part of LESS Support Team, I had opportunity to work with different country offices in all regional bureaus all over the world and managed to provide them a timely and efficient support in different spheres, related both to actual business processes and system issues. Some cases require escalation of the issues to a higher managerial level and envisage review of a general approaches and current procedures both business and system wise. I was in charge of all the country offices in Nairobi Regional Bureau, backing up other colleagues from Dakar and Panama RBs.
Сентябрь 2010Сентябрь 2014
4 года 1 месяц
United Nations World Food Prgramme

Кыргызстан, wfp.org

Procurement and Administrative Assistant
Responsibilities: Procurement functions: managing procurement and contracting activities of WFP at Country level, which included: - Reviewing complex requisitions to determine adequacy of specifications; - issuance and distribution of solicitation documents like RFQ, ITB and RFP to potential suppliers; - analyzing of submitted bids and proposals and submission of them for further review by Purchase and Contract Committee (if applicable); - preparation of Minutes of the Purchase and Contract Committee meetings and NFRs; - preparation of contracts with suppliers; preparation of Vendor Master Creation Requests; - administration of contracts with external contractors; creation/edition of Purchase Orders, raising of Service Entry Sheets (SES)/ Goods Receipt Notes (GRN) in WFP Corporate Accounting System (SAP-based); - preparation of documentation for payment and submission to Finance for payment execution; - verification and acceptance of goods delivered/services rendered versus contractual obligations; - setting up, classifying and maintenance of documents and files; - participation in discussions on new/revised procedures and practices; - analyzing, controlling and maintaining data from various sources in procurement systems and taking corrective action if necessary; - maintaining relevant internal databases and files; - keeping track of contractual agreements; maintaining suppliers roster and facilitating their performance review. The commodities and services included: office supplies, visibility items, courier services, construction works, construction materials, cleaning services, security services, office ICT equipment, canteen equipment for schools under School Feeding Project, survey services for program needs (conduction of Post Distribution Monitorings and Emergency Food Security Assessments), travel agency services, mobile connection services, conference services, office vehicles maintenance, stationary. Administrative functions: Asset Management Database (AMD) focal point, including organizing and facilitating WFP NFI inventory control including asset management; analysing, control and maintaining AMD data and take corrective action as necessary; updating and tracking processing of procurement actions; ARCHIBUS. Administrative duties also included back-up of travel assistant, such as receipt of duty travel request, arrangement of air tickets, review and certifying of Travel Authorization documents, arrangement of staff transfer, organizing of staff accommodation. Key achievements: Management the overall regular process of acquiring goods and services at Country level, including Country office in Bishkek and Sub-office in Osh, in a timely and efficient manner within a very limited time and applying the best procurement practices. Having an intensive overload of Procurement in 2010-2011 during the Emergency Operation in Kyrgyzstan and an extensive on-going Development Projects in 2012 - 2014, Procurement was able to demonstrate its best practises and perform all purchases in a timely manner and ensuring the best value for money. Being a representative of WFP in the Common Procurement Team assembled from all UN organizations in 2013 I was proud to share for piggy-backing the large number of WFP LTAs prepared by me as a result of competitive tendering process conducted during the last years. Having the largest list of LTAs among other UN agencies for a large number of services and goods has contributed to reputation of the organization and can be treated as an indicator of affective and efficient work, oriented not only on acquiring of one-time purchase of goods and services, but also on establishment of Long Term Agreements with contractors to meet the long-term needs of the organization.


Уровни владения навыками
Asset Management Database
WINGS II (UN WFP SAP-based Corporate Accounting System)
Специалист по закупкам
MS Outlook
MS Office
Procurement Procedure
Conducting Tenders
Tender Management
Contract Management
Contracts Conclusion
International Logistics
Data Analysis
Driving Licence B

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

As a professional with ability to deliver high value complex contracts and with sound experience in most aspects of procurement, administration and supply chain, I would like to have the opportunity to be considered for a position of a Procurement Specialist. I have a valuable experience in Procurement of more than six years gained by working in United Nations World Food Programme and United Nations Development Programme in Kyrgyzstan County Offices. Besides I worked in Logistics Execution Support System (LESS) at UN WFP Headquarters in Rome for almost three years as a Supply Chain Process Expert. Working as a Procurement Assistant in Kyrgyzstan and Jordan Country offices during United Nations Emergency Operations had enforced me with a valuable experience of work in challenging situations and obtained resistance to stress, improved professional skills and work productivity as well as ability to react fast and take decisions in stressful situations. While assignment in UN WFP Headquarters gave me an opportunity to work in a highly-structured environment, where I have acquired in-depth grasp of logistic techniques, practices and operations, and obtained ability to address broader issues in terms of impact on the supply chain at Regional and HQ level. HQ experience was an important part of my professional growth, as being in charge of LESS support to all countries under Nairobi Regional Bureau, I had high responsibility in different spheres, related to actual business processes in the region and to system issues. Having worked in procurement under Emergency and Development Projects, I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in this field. My background experience has equipped me with a multitude of professional skills, ability to work efficiently individually and in a team. I have experience in successful processing of high value procurement activities in line with Procurement rules and regulations, contracting of highly complex and technologically advanced goods and services, applying the best practices. I have proven written and spoken communication skills in English and Russian, including the ability to convey complex concepts to staff at senior levels, both orally and in writing, in an appropriate and concise style. Having a valuable experience of work in Procurement became an essential determinant in forming my aspiration to continue development and self-realization in this sphere. And previous work in supply chain provided me with great chances to obtain numerous professional and technical knowledge. I am a conscientious, determined, dynamic and a highly motivated staff member with a good knowledge and understanding of the Supply Chain, Procurement principles, practices and procedures, as well as Administrative Polices and Financial Rules and Regulations.

Высшее образование

Кыргызско-Российский Славянский Университет им. Б.Н. Ельцина
Международные Отношения, Мировая экономика

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ИтальянскийB1 — Средний

Тесты, экзамены

Introductory Certificate in Public Procurement, UNDP/CIPS Level 2, Rome, Italy
UNDP/CIPS, Public Procurement
Advanced IPSAS and Accrual Accounting Training

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Кыргызстан

Разрешение на работу: Кыргызстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения