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Male, 37 years, born on 20 May 1987

Spain, I want to relocate (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

PM / Business development (English and Spanish)

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 10 years 11 months

February 2018currently
7 years 2 months
Quality Institute (Bureau Veritas Group)

Spain, www.qualityinstitute.com

Business Services... Show more

Project Manager
Full cycle project management of international technical assistance projects funded by International Financial Institutions, including all the prior business development actions and technical preparation of international tendering proposals for the following IFIs: World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, European Commission and European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. My role has focused on trade & quality infrastructure projects in the East European countries, Latin America and Central Asia, with an average budget for each project that ranges from 100.000€ to 2.500.000€. Tasks: - Identification and analysis of tendering opportunities; strategy design for multiple donors (WB, EBRD, EC, IDB); Go/No Go. - Identification of partners, local companies and experts for each project opportunity. - Negotiation of partnership agreements, financial structure of the partnership (shares, margins, responsibilities, terms of collaboration...), expert’s fees, terms of agreements with local companies. - Recruiting actions: definition of experts’ requirements according to TORs and strategy; writing and publishing job offers; active search of candidates through LInkedin, referrals and other sources; CV screening; interviewing; fee negotiation and hiring. - Communication at different levels (private and public actors and institutions, partners, donors, key experts, local BV's offices…). - Revision of the legal, financial and tendering documentation and requirements (REOI, RFP, Project References, financial statements, EU PRAG…). - Expression of Interest (EOI) and proposal writing (partnership presentation, team composition, organization, workplan, risks, methodologies...) according to the specific project and donor's procedures and requirements (Europeaid, EBRD, WB, IADB). - Project management and backstopping.
January 2017January 2018
1 year 1 month
Embassy of Spain


Government Organizations... Show more

Trade advisor
My role in the Trade Commission of the Embassy of Spain helped over fifty Spanish companies in their prospective and commercial actions in Kazakhstan: clearing doubts on trade barriers, tariffs, taxes, investment and export possibilities, actors present in different sectors etc. Tasks: - Answering export, import and investment queries on: applicable tariffs; trade barriers; documentation requirements; taxes; export and import data per TARIC; competitors and potential partners in the market; trade fairs; consumer’s preferences; prices and margins; distribution of goods; time and transport...). - Marketing research studies (renewable energies; e-commerce; kid's clothes) and different sector notes (oil & gas; building materials; jewelry...) - Macroeconomic & political papers of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan economies. - Weekly economic news publication for the above mentioned countries (KZ, KG, TY). - Lists and agendas of potential partners and clients for Spanish companies - Reports on trade fairs potential and experiences from other participants - Standardization of processes and documentation (i.e queries, reports, statistics etc)
June 2016December 2016
7 months

Slovakia, www.ibm.com/ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Critical Situations Manager
As a middle man, I dealt with everyone involved in critical situations that concerned top IBM clients whose business suffered a big impact on its production, or supposed a high revenue at risk for IBM. Along with my teammate, we were in charge of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel territories, taking the ownership of an exceptional critical complaint process in order to restore the situation to the business as usual procedures. Examples may include: halted public services; storage issues with lose of critical data; website business platforms offline, etc. Tasks: - Ownership of the process and its outcome, by responding to the client and the rest of actor involved. - Follow a methodology and right approach for each situation by: establishing objectives; agreeing on milestones and actions; creating action plans; supervising progress; coordinating internal and external meetings; building a trustful relationship with the client; and finally, restoring the situation to BAU. - Coordination with remote teams, and direct contact with IBM Top clients and personnel (account managers, project managers, engineers...) in order to solve critical situations with big impact to production and revenue at risk. - Building a network of contacts by finding the right person for the right situation, escalating situations and creating teams of experts to solve HW, SW and human problems.
November 2014September 2015
11 months
Santander bank


Financial Sector... Show more

Financial sales manager
I joined a new department (UCM) as financial sales manager within a strategic pilot plan focused on increasing BANCO SANTANDER’s market share in Catalunya, where its share has traditionally been low despite being the biggest bank in Spain. Due to this fact, big investment was made on training (trips to HQs, sales techniques, products, commercial bank structure…), evaluation (periodic evaluation of performance, exchange of experiences…). Tasks: - Selling the whole SANTANDER's portfolio from bank accounts to credits, credit cards, loans, mortgages and investment funds. - Development and supervision of an excel-access system to control sales & performance
August 2013September 2014
1 year 2 months

Power Industry... Show more

Reporting & Administration
My job in ENDESA’s Central Complaint’s department was focused on reporting complaints’ situation and providing customer support to a few foreign VIP clients in a difficult situation. As one of the biggest electrical companies in Spain, and leader of the regulated tariff market, my job was to provide an overview of the different territories in Spain as well as in Portugal. Tasks: - My main task involved control over the complaints situation and evolution in Spain and Portugal, and reporting its status. - Periodic meetings with the different managers of each territory. - I consolidated the data from different sources (DDBB) in order to create multiple automatic reports (Excel and Access) for the Vice President and the different heads of the territories. - Assisting foreign VIP clients: analysis of the situation and provision of help accordingly, both by email and on the phone Other support tasks (v.g SAP Payments, calling important customers, managing SharePoint site...).


Skill proficiency levels
Sales Management
MS Access
Account Management
Business English
Английский язык
Adobe Photoshop
IBM Lotus Notes
Microsoft Access
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
MS Excel
International Law
Contract Law
International Trade Law
Business Management
Information Technology

Higher education (master)

Master in International Bussiness Administration (MBA)
ICEX-CECO, International commerce & business management
Universitat de Barcelona
Universitat de Barcelona, Law



CatalanC2 — Proficiency

EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Spain

Permission to work: Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Sweden

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter