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Male, 62 years, born on 11 July 1962

Not looking for a job

Indonesia, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Project Control/ Contract Engineer

  • Other

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 32 years 5 months

January 2019currently
6 years 3 months

Indonesia, www.aprilasia.com

Lead Project Controls
Jan 19 to Present - To develop project schedules, budget allocations from existing CAPEX to the Mill up-grade (Pulp and Paper) project include infrastructure and power generation. Dec 19 to present – To develop project schedules, budget allocations from existing CAPEX to the Fiber line up-grade project (increased capacity from 2 X 240 to 4 X 240 TPD included upgraded CS2 Recovery. • Close monitoring of day-to-day construction activities at various subcontract package at site activities • Routine update of project schedule and cost performance for actual work progress • Preparation of Weekly and Monthly Progress Reports to issue to management as per existing project requirements • Attend and participate in progress review meetings held, and conducted inter-discipline coordination • Collaborating with multi-discipline teams made up project management, finance, procurement and engineering on project cost and schedules • Supporting Project Manager to align project budgets and baseline/ forecast schedule to as sold in the system • Assist the area coordinator to follow the plan and sequence the construction activities on weekly basis and raise alerts to various disciplines on slippage of construction works progress from the baseline schedule then provide necessary inputs to recover the impact • Review the Contract Quantities Vs. Actual Quantities of works and accordingly recommend for necessary resource planning of manpower, plant and equipment • Maintaining a register of potential schedule and cost risks as well as a register of actual and committed
September 2018December 2018
4 months

Indonesia, www.pt-ikm.com/

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Senior Commercial Engineer
Short term assignments to provide support and assistance to project management to prepare baseline schedule and milestones with agreed Contracts, and analyze cost and schedule impact for extension of time, and forecast at completion are used for internal and external reporting. The scope of the EPC is to furnish the construction of the camps and utilities at Tangguh LNG project which operated by BP Berau in the Bintuni Strait, Papua, Indonesia. Prepare overall baseline schedule, update the progress and cost forecast and estimate at completion. Review and comment on the progress of the design, procurement, construction and installation. Work with team to ensure that the schedule of the millstones, critical path, plan development and changes in the scope are identified; support the team on preparing the claim and to take administrative management change process. Review the progress of the work packages for invoices submission.
March 2017July 2018
1 year 5 months
Phu Bia Mining Ltd, Laos

Other regions, www.panaust.com.au

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Project control Superitendent
To complete Capital projects (CAPEX) and maintenance work (OPEX) includes scheduling and cost, change management, procurement and expediting, coordination of internal/external inputs to establish and maintain the Capital and Maintenance work. The work includes scheduling, estimating, cost control, risk management, budgeting, project performance management, project change management, project accounting, forecasting and cash flow management, procurement and expediting. Prepare and maintain the project schedule and overall cost of the Capital project and ensure the schedule millstones, critical path, Construction plans are implemented (minimum constrain & lags, realistic forecast and total float calculation). Authors and distributes weekly, monthly performance report includes schedule updates, manpower histogram, progress achievement, key milestone slippage, schedule variance, critical path schedule condition and look ahead to the plan. Analysis the cost trends and provides forecast the cost and schedules to the project team. Maintain a register of potential schedule and cost risks as well as a register of actual and committed costs. Review and propose change order calculations to ensure schedule and cost estimates are accurate. Coordinate, collect, verify and integrate the work scope for all entities to the total project plan. Prepare and analyze comparisons on the scope, quantities and cost data in concurrence with project staffing, man hours and engineering deliverables. Monitor capital cost and expenditure through the delivery of budget forecasts and accruals to contribute to the effective financial management of the project control function. Focal point for all accrual submissions and regularly liaise with the finance department for accurate project cost posting and settlement, including monthly, quarterly and year end accrual. Lead the project control team on the Capital and Maintenance project, and develop the skills of Project Control team members.
February 2016December 2016
11 months
Jacobs Engineering

Mongolia, www.jacobs.com

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Senior Cost Engineer
Rio Tinto Oyu Tolgoi EPCM phase 2 project. Underground works include a broad range of facilities for shafts, fit out and services, crushers, material handling, workshops, and inclines to the surface. Surface works include mines dry rooms, conveyors, heat plant, concentrate expansion, and warehouses. • Develop engineering and services budgets, staffing plans, review the man-hours and labor cost by weekly and monthly, record and analyze costs and trends • Establish and update labor budget graphs, manage the process of change management, performance measurement and progress of engineering, procurement, construction, and services • Maintain and update the database by downloading Oracle time-sheets and cost to allocate budget for staff, Contracts and purchase orders, forecasting and cash flow • Manage the preparation and compilation of weekly and monthly reports, supporting cost studies, develops tender check estimated, set up project Work Breakdown Structures and Code of Accounts • Provide training & guidance for cost engineer staff, participates in the recruitment of local staff cost engineer
April 2015December 2015
9 months

Indonesia, www.smec.com

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Senior Cost Engineer
Sort terms assignment to support EPCI and LDP of BHP Billiton coal mine project. (1). To furnish 32 km Road Transport, Infrastructure, Camps. (2). Develop the Definition Phase Study of 3 MTPA Coal Mining including processing plants, ports, power, tailings, water treatment, facilities and utilities. • Establish a system and update into Pro-Liance cost system to capture entities of WBS, Area, Facilities, Commodities, and Phase to reflect the allocation of budget, commitment, expenditure, forecasts, trend • Develop budget for the EPCM and owner's costs aligned with the existing CAPEX and control schedules • Maintain the measurement of progress, man-hours and staffing plans by downloading SAP time-sheets • Evaluate the cost and schedule control Contractor organization, procedures, plans and performance • Coordinates with engineering, procurement, construction, and the clients related to the deliverables, schedule milestones with regard to the activities, and reporting to show progress, bar charts and curves • Reviewed and verified the Contractor and vendor progress, invoices, and variations • Adjusting forecasts to reflect the change, variation and potential costs over or under-run • Interfaces with finance from clients in capturing and updating project costs, AFE's, and invoices verification • Prepare and develop monthly reports consist of cash flow and curves, measurement of performance, commitments, and expenditures, analyzing the trends and variation, forecasting, and earned value • Analysis and reporting discrepancies between CAPEX in the FS and the DPS
April 2012December 2014
2 years 9 months

Indonesia, www.snclavalin.com

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Lead Cost Engineer
Have been involved in the following projects: (1). Engineering & Project Management ANTAM Fe-Ni Halmahera Indonesia, the project developed a new Nickel RKEF to reach a production capacity of 27,000 tons per year. (2). Engineering & Project Management BAKAN Gold Mine Indonesia, the project develop a new Gold Mine contains resources of 17 MT. (3). Feasibility Study TRANSASIA Nickel Processing Plant Indonesia. (4). Feasibility Study MEC Coal Processing Plants Indonesia. (5). Engineering & Project Management J RESOURCES Seruyung Gold Mine Indonesia. (6). Engineering & Project Management VALE Replacement Kiln Gas Indonesia. (7). Engineering & Project Management KDL 120 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Indonesia. • Set up appropriate information and monitor the cost of activities and process for analyzing accurate cost information, performance, forecasts, and measuring progress • Prepare and maintain progress measurement, man-hours projection, and staffing plans • Man-hours tracking, reconciliation with VoWD, preparing instructions for billing and draft invoicing • Identifying trends, tracking of MoC, provide a reconciliation that correlates with the cost of the amendment • Analysis of the financial data related to allocating costs, justify the cost, reconcile the budget • Develop and monitor the utilization of man-hours to track employee productivity, prepare quarterly budget • Collaborate with finance to provide consistent information and ensure that the system reflects the project budgets, commitments, expenditure, and update regularly • Coordinate with engineering on issues relating to deliverables and generate performance progress; updating the costs, charts, and graphs • Prepare and set up weekly and monthly reports consisted of comparing the cost and performance of plans, commitments, actual, FTC, FAC, trends and variance, cash flow, and profitable/loss
March 2011March 2012
1 year 1 month
BHP Billiton

Indonesia, www.bhpbilliton.com

Mining Industry... Show more

Project Services
To complete the engineering, construction and project management of the Indo-Met coal BHP Billiton Indonesia. The project is to develop and construct the haul roads, ports, camps, water treatment and sewage treatment plant. • Develop project deliverable list, project schedule, and project measurement system • Develop WBS, manpower histograms, resources profiles, weight factor (WF), sequence logic schedule, CPM, S curves, weekly report, monthly performance report, productivity rate and variance analysis • Maintain the project schedule, monitoring the overall performance, measure the progress, man-hour projection, reports, and corrective actions • Authors and distributes Daily Operations, Weekly, Monthly Performances Report include S Curves; updating schedule, critical package equipment, manpower histograms, project highlight, progress achievement, key milestones slippage, schedule variance, critical path schedule and look ahead plan • Maintain and update the database in the supply chain system 1SAP • Review the work performed by Contractors, updated necessary changes captured in the cost reports • Monitor, review and compile the invoices, variation and resolved claims resolution • Coordinate with logistics and QA/QC to ensure that materials and equipment meet the requirements • Prepare bid package issued for bidding; maintain bidder queries, coordinate with the engineering and construction to technical issued, administrative and commercial • Processing RFP, invitation to bid, clarification, review of quotations, negotiation, and award • Participate in the development of a schedule of prices, terms of payment, the schedule, and milestones • Work closely with finance and legal to ensure strategy, tenders, and Contracts in full compliance with policies and procedures. Ensure that project personnel and equipment are insured
May 2010September 2010
5 months
Mellitah Oil & Gas

Libya, www.mellitahog.ly

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Senior Cost Engineer
To complete the FEED and Detailed Engineering for the project onshore NC-118 which consists of two wells. Each well is connected to a new plant by flow line that joins to the manifold upstream plant inlet, this project was postponed. • Establish and set up project budget based on CAPEX over the Basic Design and FEED • Working closely with finance to download financial databases, allocated the budget; updated commitments, actual costs, variances, forecast and cash flow • Compiling a budget of monthly and quarterly work packages, reviewing variances, track commitments and cost efficiency of the budget • Provide support to project managers in establishing and updating the AFE including analysis of variance, performance measurement, commitments, forecasts and update cash flow • Coordinate with Engineering on issues relating to deliverables, schedule milestone; generating progress reports, bar charts, and corresponding master schedule • Prepare a summary and detail of performance measurement, review the use of man-hours compared to the actual deliverables, monitor the use of the man-hours and productivity
December 2008April 2010
1 year 5 months

Indonesia, www.kbr.com

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Senior Cost Specialist
To complete the Detailed Engineering LNG plant facilities and DOMGAS pipeline in the Gorgon Project Barrow Island. The scope of the plant's three-train, a nominal 5 MTPA of LNG facilities per train. • Establish cost center numbers to capture budgetary allocation, commitment, expenditure, forecasts, trends and variance through monitoring and reporting in joint effort with the global project control team • Organize and establish the project budget, and prepare the subsequent budget updates based on estimate provided for FEED and Detailed Design and implementation of control measures and schedules • Download timesheets, expense, and supplies through SAP; allocate an account code and reconciliation with the Value of Work Done; Prepare a billing instruction and draft invoicing • Analysis of financial data and verified the expenses, revise the budget, generating forecast, provide timely notification of potential over or under runs, maintain and update the risk register • Preparing weekly and monthly reports consist of cash flow curve, the progress and the staff, the commitment and expenditure, trends and variations, forecasting, VoWD and Earned value analysis
July 2008November 2008
5 months

Indonesia, www.fluor.com

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Senior Contract Administration
To complete the FEED, survey, and assessment of the BHP Billiton Gag and Halmahera Nickel Project, this project was not continued. • Develop tender bid packages for service and purchase orders; maintain the bidder’s queries, ensure that tenders are in fully comply with established policies and procedures • Participate in developing the contracts price budget and control contracts schedule and milestones • RFP process, the invitation to bid, clarification, Addendum, review tender quotes, negotiate and award for recommendation • Participate in the maintenance of various recorded contracts performance, contracts documentation, bank guarantees, performance bonds, insurance; maintain change orders, potential claims, and update the system to CMSi (Contract Management System Information) • Ensure personnel, equipment, and activities adequately insured including subcontractors and suppliers • Formal communication regarding scheduling, performance standards, lines of authority, work progress and invoice processing
July 2007June 2008
1 year
Aramis – Lafarge

Indonesia, www.aramis-gr.com/

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Senior Project Control
Oversee and manage the two Contractors, Civil & Infrastructure Work, and Underground Development Work. The project to construct a Gold Mine Processing Plant with associated infrastructure. • Prepare and maintain project schedule and ensure schedule millstones, critical path, Construction plan are implemented (minimum constrain & lags, realistic total float calculation). • Develop Work Breakdown Structure, project activities duration's and project resource allocation • Review EPC Contractor 14 days and 30 days look ahead schedule to ensure align with Baseline Project Master Schedule and Operation Team requirement • Actively participate in the development of work sequence and tasks with EPC Contractor team particularly site construction activities • Coordinate with engineering, procurement, and construction on the issues relating to the deliverables and activities; prepare the cumulative man-hours, S-curve and bar chart, and earned value management • Set up a database to monitor and implement the measurement system for the area, facilities, commodities, and phase to reflect budget allocation, committed, spending, trends, forecasts and variance • Reviewing the progress of the performance of Contractors, the submission of variations, invoices processing, maintain and update the risk register • Audit, review and reconcile claims from Contractors and produce final draft resolution • Collaborating with multi-discipline teams made up project management, finance, procurement and engineering on project cost and schedules • Prepare and develop internal monthly reports consists of measuring progress performance reports, man-hours projections, cost reports, cash flow and curves, commitment and expenditure, forecasting, trends and variance, and earned value management analysis
August 2006June 2007
11 months
CSD subsidiary Antam

Indonesia, www.antam.com

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Senior Project Controls
Oversee and manage the two Contractors, Civil & Infrastructure Work, and Underground Development Work. The project to construct a Gold Mine Processing Plant with associated infrastructure. • Prepare and maintain project schedule and ensure schedule millstones, critical path, Construction plan are implemented (minimum constrain & lags, realistic total float calculation). • Develop Work Breakdown Structure, project activities duration's and project resource allocation • Review EPC Contractor 14 days and 30 days look ahead schedule to ensure align with Baseline Project Master Schedule and Operation Team requirement • Actively participate in the development of work sequence and tasks with EPC Contractor team particularly site construction activities • Coordinate with engineering, procurement, and construction on the issues relating to the deliverables and activities; prepare the cumulative man-hours, S-curve and bar chart, and earned value management • Set up a database to monitor and implement the measurement system for the area, facilities, commodities, and phase to reflect budget allocation, committed, spending, trends, forecasts and variance • Reviewing the progress of the performance of Contractors, the submission of variations, invoices processing, maintain and update the risk register • Audit, review and reconcile claims from Contractors and produce final draft resolution • Collaborating with multi-discipline teams made up project management, finance, procurement and engineering on project cost and schedules • Prepare and develop internal monthly reports consists of measuring progress performance reports, man-hours projections, cost reports, cash flow and curves, commitment and expenditure, forecasting, trends and variance, and earned value management analysis
May 2004August 2006
2 years 4 months
Petrosea-Clough JV

Indonesia, www.petrosea.com

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Senior Project Control
Have been involved in the following projects: (1). BP APN Development Project involves the production of offshore gas well drilled from three Greenfield wellhead platforms APNA, APNB, and APND. The wellhead platforms connected to the existing production facilities at the Brownfield MM complex by sub-sea pipeline (2). ConocoPhillips Kerisi Field Development Project. The facilities will construct wellhead platform, the subsea manifold, 16-inch rigid flowline, 12-inch rigid oil export flow-line, and two flexible risers. Wellhead platform located at 23 Km north-east of the Balanak FPSO and bridge will be connected • Developed project schedule and baseline to monitor schedule performance on the project, maintaining project schedule and cost forecast throughout project • Communicating schedule and cost status/forecasts/risk to project management and supports risk mitigation • Authors and distributes Weekly, Monthly Performances Report include S Curves; updating schedule, critical package equipment, manpower histograms, project highlight, progress achievement, key milestones slippage, schedule variance, critical path schedule and look ahead plan • Report to the PM to evaluate Project Master Schedule & Planning performances to get realistic forecast • Set up and establish the project budget and preparing subsequent budget update for the engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction and installation based on existing estimates • Set up a database to monitor and implement the measurement system for WBS to reflect the allocation of budget, committed, spending, forecasts, and analysis of trends and variances • Interfaces with Finance in capturing and updating the project cost accounting, billing and invoicing • Analysis of financial data related to the finance allocate costs, justify the cost, and update the budget • Coordinate with EPC on the issues of the deliverables and activities, duration’s and resource allocation; updated the cumulative man-hours, the S-curve and bar chart and the earned value analysis • Setting up the time costs of resources (CTR) submitted to project management for approval • Prepare and develop a high level of cost reports (CSR); monthly reports consists of measuring progress performance, man-hours projections; cash flow and curves, commitment and expenditure, forecasting, trends, and variance, earned value management; maintain and update the risk register and the Prism Project Control • Closed out the project; participate in project documentation audit, lessons learned, and archive the relevant documents to used as historical data
January 1996October 2002
6 years 10 months

Indonesia, www.fluor.com

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Contract Administration
Have been involved in the following projects: (1). 2000 Jun – 2002 Oct ExxonMobil Banyu Urip Field Cepu Project. Furnish the FEED, Site Survey, Fields Assessments, and the EPCM tender. The development of oil and gas discoveries, which consist of conventional onshore oil and gas facilities; flow lines to handle sour production, water-flooding, gas injection facilities, onshore export pipeline to the coast and sub-sea pipeline to floating storage and offloading vessel. (2). 1998 Oct – 2000 May INCO Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant Project. The works involved are the EPCM of the construction RCC dam with volume 520,000 cubic meters. A hydroelectric power plant equipped with 2 X 137 MW turbines, diversion tunnel, cofferdams, spillway, intake structure and penstocks 2 X 320 meters and diameter 5 meters plus ancillary. (3). 1996 Jan – 1998 Oct Unocal Geothermal Power Plant Project. The works involved the construction of 3 X 55 MW units 4, 5 and 6. The facilities included pipeline in the area RPF and PGF, infrastructure, and general services. • Developing tender bid packages for the service; maintain the bidder’s queries and coordinates with engineering, legal, and finance in response to the technical, administrative and commercial issues • Processing of RFP, the invitation to bid, clarification, addendum, review tenders quotes, negotiate and award • Working closely with the Legal and Finance to ensure the tenders and contracts fully comply • Participate in developing the contracts price budget and control contracts schedule and milestones • Participate in the maintenance of various recording contracts, including contracts performance, contracts documentations, bank guarantees, performance bonds, and insurance policies • Communications with contractors regarding scheduling, performance, lines of authority, the progress of work, and invoices processing • Prepare contracts to change order regarding commitment of deviation request, and contracts modification • Prepare a draft letter for the authorization by the Contracts Manager • Maintain a list of site instructions, field change orders, potential claims, back-charges, and invoice register • Coordinate with logistics and quality control to ensure the materials and inspection are comply • Prepare contracts closeout, release the final payment of retention, and the closeout amendment
March 1995October 1995
8 months
Timsco Indonesia


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Project Controls
Jetty Indo-Print Project, Merak Indonesia. The scope involved is to furnish engineering and construction loading and unloading docks. Develop project plan control, scheduling, progress tracking and monitoring the performance of the project. Implementing measures to control project costs, maintenance costs for the distribution project budgeting, forecasting, variance, material takeoffs, and invoice processing. Develop the S-curve, manpower histogram, progress measurement, weekly and monthly reports regarding the construction progress and cost performance.
February 1994January 1995
1 year
Muria Graha Kayana


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Site Manager
High-rise Building PT PAL Surabaya, Indonesia. The scope involved is to furnish engineering and construction building office towers. Duties include overseeing day to day operations and ensure work safely with the right quality, on time and within budget. Preparing planning, monitoring progress and delivery of materials and sort out the issues. Coordination and supervision various phases of the work. Communications and correspondence with the clients, contractors and vendors. Materials take-off and complete supporting documentation for processing invoices. Present at the meeting with the management of client and subcontractors.
February 1992December 1993
1 year 11 months

Indonesia, www.ikpt.com

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Subcontract Administration
Petrochemical Gresik (PKG), East Java Indonesia. The scope involved is an engineering, construction, project management, commissioning through operation of Ammonia and Urea plants. The output of the plant FEEDs 1,400 metric tonnes of Urea per day, and the rest as ammonium sulphate. MW Kellogg has provided consulting services for EPCM, and Toyo Engineering Corp. provides technical support for the processing of the urea plant.
January 1991January 1992
1 year 1 month
Jaya Konstruksi Mowlem Jo

Indonesia, www.jayakonstruksi.com

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Site Engineer
High-rise building tower "Sudirman Square Project (BRI II)" Jakarta, Indonesia. The scope involved is to furnish engineering and construction building office towers. Duties as a site engineer to oversee construction activities including surveying, earthwork, architectural, structural, plumbing, sanitary, and Geotechnical. Develop the scope of technical changes; preparing and issuing material take-off; review and evaluate vendor drawings, shop drawings and as built drawings; reviewing subcontractors RFI and RFQ; ensure conformance to design specifications and safety standards.
January 1990December 1990
1 year


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Civil Engineer
Has been involved in providing and analysing the structure and foundation, including beams, columns, walls, roof, shell, truss, etc. SAP90 and ETABS software that has used.


Skill proficiency levels
Cost Management
Cost Control
project control
Contract Management
Contractors Contracts
MS Project
MS Outlook
Oracle Primavera
MS Office

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A

About me

A civil engineer with expertise in Project Controls and Contract Administration. Has supported projects from conceptual design, feasibility, FEED, DED through Construction and Installation. The projects has completed the oil & gas, power generation, mining metallurgy, pulp & paper, infrastructure, and high-rise building. Competent in Ms. Office, SAP, Primavera P6, Ms. Project, Oracle Risk Analysis and other project management software. Has been involved in Project Controls to establish project control and cost plan that reflects project control procedures and project execution plan. Prepare integrated budget scheduling program, cost estimates and and issue identification that can affect baseline and master schedules, budgets, progress and performance. Develop baselines schedule and performance update, S-curves, and earned value. Fill in budget estimates for the allocation of commitments, expenditures, contingencies, profit and loss. Generate forecasting, analysis of variants and trends, Cost of Time and Resources (CTR). Actual updates and measurements of progress at the activity, contract, procurement and service levels. Effective reporting for engineering, procurement, fabrication, construction, installation and commissioning. Developed and tracked high-level performance as well as baseline schedules, cost reports (CSR) typically consist of cost and performance comparing plans and budgets, commitments, actual costs, forecasting (FTC, FAC), variance analysis. Develop cash flow of the project to identify the profit or loss, maintain the risk register and update regularly. Prepare quarterly and annual budget and updated man-hours to highlight and track utilization and cost efficiency. Has been involved in Contract management in the field of oil and gas, petrochemical, mining and infrastructure projects. Expertise include pre and post award Contracts management with an emphasis on Contracts development strategy. Prepare Bid package starting from pre-qualified, maintaining query, generate RFP, invitation to bid, review and clarification, addendum issuance, evaluate quotes and prepare bid tabulations, negotiation and bid selection. Controlling the Contracts expires and validity of insurance compliance with company policies and agreements. Participate in developing the budget and schedule control, track the impact of changes in the field; updated the potential risks, back-charge administration; control documentations; prepare variations include variations in the scope, engineering changes, fields deviation and site instructions. Formal discussions with the Contractors regarding schedule, Contracts status, progress performance, invoice processing. Collaborate with other disciplines to ensure measurement of Contractors, QA/QC inspection, and construction following site work and safety rules. Managed and administration Contractors team meeting and action item resolution. Reviewing and evaluating weekly and monthly work by the Contractor. Prepare and complete the Contract's closing, release notification settlement, dispute resolution, release the final payment Contractor.

Higher education (bachelor)

Institut Tehnologi Nasional Bandung
Civil, Civil Engineering



Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Indonesia

Permission to work: Indonesia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter