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Male, 49 years, born on 22 April 1975
Moscow, metro station Novokosino, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips
Top manager
1 850 € in hand
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: full time, project work
Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, rotation based work
Work experience 17 years 9 months
May 2014 — currently
10 years 11 months
CEO, Management Company “Agro Stroy”
Retail... Show more
Executive director
management of agricultural production on 5 500 ha.
products sale
negotiations on the partners level with goverments
May 2013 — currently
11 years 11 months
Richard the VIII
Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more
Executive director
negotiations with the clients of logistic company
management of 50 freight cars
turnover control
October 2000 — July 2006
5 years 10 months
Hotel Nordland Copehagen
Executive director
hotel’s staff management
managing building a hotel in Moscow region
full control of all hotel’s services
received gratitude for excellent work
gained experience in hotel management in Denmark
familiarized with the global hotels organization
Skill proficiency levels
About me
1990- 1993 Technical college, Elektrostal, Russia
1993 - 1995 Military school, Saint Petersburg, Russia
1995 - 1998 Topographical University, Moscow, Russia
Geodesics training
Class trainer
Org Executive course
Hotel cleaning and ironing training (Norland CPH)
Sales training
Medical assistance training
Firefighting training.
1996 - 1998 MCD Moscow
Public Exec
Daily promo events up to 80 people. Organization, promotion and execution including sales.
Weekly promo events up to 900 people.
Special events up to 2600 people.
Organizing week/month/year events board, marketing, staff list and finance
1998 - 1999 GCH Moscow
Organizing 7 public course rooms. Control staff and delivery. Up to 600 attendances per week.
Hiring staff, training staff.
Organizing special conferences up to 36 attendance. handling dormitories, finances and materials.
2000 NEW ERA Pub ltd Copenhagen.
Project staff
Doing events in Lithuania and Latvia to hire staff for New Era up to 40 attendances.
2000 hotel Norland Copenhagen
Chief Supervisor
Organizing service for more then 100 rooms.
2001-2003 Emissary of New Era pub ltd in Moscow.
Chief Emissary
All exec functions for 200 staff corporation.
2004 CLO Europe Copenhagen
Translation Unit Director.
All exec function for translating 7 items on 15 languages.
2005 CLO Europe Copenhagen.
Building Fundraising project in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Organizing marketing and promotion actions including events. Collected about 2500000 USD.
2006 SMI ltd
Tour in charge.
Organizing sea cruise on ship "Taras Shevchenko". organizing ticket sales and cruise delivery for more then 300 passengers.
2006 hotel Norland Copenhagen.
Chief Supervisor
Organizing service for more then 100 rooms.
2007 - 2011 New Era pub ltd Moscow.
Renting warehouse more then 200 m2, organizing book production, stock and sales. Marketing and promotion.
2011 - present time Promservice Moscow.
Top manager.
Organizing sales and maintenance friezing equipment.
Computer Skill Computer software packages: Windows 95, 97, 98,
XP,Vista, 7 & 8 Customer release preview.
Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Project, Visio,
Publisher, 97, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, ORACLE.
Interest basketball, numismatic, outdoor tourism.
Abilities an attitude
An Experienced team leader with the ability to initiate/manage cross-functional teams and multi-disciplinary projects.
Analytical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills and strong electro-mechanical experience.
Strategic Planning, Execution, organizing and extensive New Product Development using Fast Cycle Time.
Excellence Personal Communication skills.
Project management skills: Influencing, leading, negotiating and delegating abilities
Conflict resolution
Adaptability and tolerant to stressed situations.
Other Professional skills
Creative thinking and organizational skills.
Effective listening skills
Decision making and negotiating skills.
Determination and Diplomacy skills.
The undersigned hereby certifies that all information given in this document is true, complete, and correct.
Sales skills.
Hiring skills.
Higher education
Moscow state university of Geodesy and Cartography (МИИГАиК), Moscow.
Cartography, Ingenir
Saint-Petersburg Millitary Academy
Management, Staff Management
Professional development, courses
Project Specialist Writer
CLO, Copenhagen., Project Specialist Writer
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter