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Male, 51 year, born on 6 February 1974

Not looking for a job

Moscow, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan), prepared for business trips

Chief Information Officer

  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Chief technical officer (CTO)

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 26 years 10 months

January 2022January 2024
2 years 1 month

Moscow, expobank.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Operations Director (COO&CIO&CTO)
Led and adapted bank operations to the extreme business environment sanctions related change in the Russian market in 2022. As a the top management team at business office, we have secured an increase of Net Profit from 3 (in 2022) to 13 (in 2023) Bil RUB (~153 mil USD) reaching ROE up to 39% in 2023. This has been achieved due to both business and operational efficiency, namely, due to implementation of Lean methodology in Back office which led to the staff increase only for 7% while business volumes raised from 40 to 74% in different areas. Car loans release has increased from 44 to 75% in 20 min, and 98% in 30 min. Legal entities account opening time in back office shrunk from 18 to 3.5h. Documents error rework percentage for car loans dropped from 50 to 30%, in retail customer files from 16 to 6%, in legal entities customer files from 53 to 20%. Interbank transfer time dropped 2 times, Branch to Backoffice service request resolution lowered from 6 days to 0,5 days with stable CSI at 4.98 out of 5. Executed 38 strategic projects, the most significant of which are: - Core bank system contract vendor savings for 25% (~700 000 USD per year) - Secured 24*7 payments with no delays - IT infrastructure operational risk mitigated by setting up a new dependable data center infrastructure, network and centralized dependable telephony - Retail CRM - HR management and development system - Complicate syndicate loans module, - Compliance analysis, - Credit bureau automated interface - 3 times increased IT core banking Change request implementation productivity - Conducted 5 process and technology analysis for potential M&A deal with the intranational banks and leasing companies.
February 2019December 2021
2 years 11 months
РГС банк (Группа "Открытие")


Financial Sector... Show more

Chief Infromation Officer
Structured and executed 3-years Business strategy for Start-Up Automotive niche bank from scratch. In 3 years, the Bank has reached the 4th place in Russia in Car-loans portfolio: 1.5 bln USD at 1.12.2021. IT strategy executed as of December 2021, including launch of: Omnichannel solution for retail customers, Market Place, Loan Origination solutions, Internet Bank for corporate customers, Contact Center, Banks products delivery, completely renewed made highly resilient infrastructure to support 3 years growth. The incident and change management processes are put in place bound with business result focused KPIs for IT staff.
January 2016January 2019
3 years 1 month
VP bank (Vietnam)

Vietnam, vpbank.com.vn

Financial Sector... Show more

Chief Information Officer, Member of Executive Board
Built, Operated, and Transferred an IT function in the bank with a goal to build a ‘result focused’ IT division and to make the bank the most technologically and digitally advanced in Vietnam market. Finally, the bank took the 6-7-th place in Vietnam by different parameters. Participated at the Bank IPO Due Diligence process from the technology side. Supported of the Bank digital transformation, changed the IT related operating model of the Bank. Capable team collected, developed on the local market despite professional resource scarce. Deliverables: IT strategy developed and being executed with a focus on future ‘Open bank’ and Open API based concept for Digital ecosystem, Agile processes implementation, non – IT process changes to fit conditions for execution. The IT organizational model reorganized from functional to business focused, IT factory for IT Changes and projects implementation put into operation, what made possible to increase more than 5 times yearly changes implementation capabilities: from 500 to 2500 per year. Saved more than 2 mil USD in 3 years on T24 licenses, restructured relationships with Oracle and reduced 5 times outages on bank’s ATMs. IT division has shown a steady 3 years growth and has raised up to the 9th from the lowest (18th) position based on an internal customer satisfaction survey (more than 2700 responses). Launched: Loan Origination system, Contact center, Enterprise Service Bus, Open API and Micro service platforms and connection to part of business ecosystem with: Viettel (VPbank+), TIMO, MOMO, SMARTNET integration; Mobile solution for SME sales, Core bank: Temenos T24 and cards system WAY4 products upgrade, Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP), PCI DSS certification, Google G-suite as an alternative for Office 365, Internet Management, Data Leakage Prevention, conducted ISO27001 Audit, Business processes for financial reporting reorganized and Close of business optimized by half to fit to Central Bank of Vietnam timelines.
March 2014January 2015
11 months

Russia, www.X5.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Chief Infromation Officer, Member of executive board
Transformed the IT function towards a stronger centralized management in IT related processes and projects as well as projects portfolio management and IT strategy. Redefined a role of IT functions for the new business approach.
March 2013March 2014
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.uralsib.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Chief information officer
Restructured an IT organization to eliminate redundancy and functional duplication, implemented a matrix structure Implemented the Bank project portfolio management procedures to keep business focus on the most important tasks within budget and resources constraints Changed IT processes to create an internal customer focus for smooth interaction with internal customers Developed and approved with BOM the IT strategy Performed an IT cost cutting and redundant project portfolio clean-up, including 10 years lasting core banking system project based on business case to fit the declining Uralsib business.
November 2011March 2013
1 year 5 months

Moscow, sber-tech.com/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Executive Board Member, Commercial Director
An in-sourcing operating model for Sbertech company was created from scratch, staff relocation from Sberbank accomplished The subsidiary company initial customer interaction processes were set up Strategic guiding principles for newly created and extremely fast-growing company (2000 people were hired in 1 year) implemented An internal IT processes management was done to fit extended business demands from IT development and support due to extensive changes happening in Sberbank
August 2008November 2011
3 years 4 months
Sberbank of Russia

Moscow, www.sbrf.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of IT liaison division
The department responsible for strategic projects was built in historically hierarchical Sberbank environment. Business analyst group was created to facilitate business requirements preparation. Project Portfolio management, budgeting processes put into operation As a Project Director I personally managed the strategic project ‘Basic product’ for customer accounts and data consolidation across Reginal Banks in Sberbank to create a single customer view, process servicing through different electronic channels, mobile Banking, Universal Electronic Card (UEC). The project won IPMA international project excellence award in 2012 in big sized projects.
August 2006August 2008
2 years 1 month

Moscow, www.ibm.com/ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Managing Consultant
Conducted a numerous CIOs, COOs advisory tasks on IT operations, IT strategy, core banking systems implementation IT and Operations processes audit and optimization project in Absolute bank was accomplished prior to its acquisition deal with KBC bank A partnership model with Chordiant inc. (BPM, CRM products) was created to make a footprint on the Russian market.
June 2000August 2006
6 years 3 months

Moscow, www.alfabank.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of Banking Technology department
Internal Project portfolio management processes implemented. They included the whole project cycle from business planning, priority setting, to software acceptance and ‘going live’. The core banking system Equation (Misys, now Finastra) program was implemented. In different time periods I managed: the whole program (2003-2006), specific projects inside the program: current account services and loans for corporate clients (2000-2003). I supervised remote channels program implementation in Alfa-bank-retail banking: internet, mobile bank, loan origination.
May 1996June 2000
4 years 2 months
SBS-AGRO, later transformed to Rosbank


Financial Sector... Show more

Different positions from System analyst to Deputy Head of banking technology department with responsibility in IT systems development and implementation
Department management, main IT business related projects portfolio supervision and management


Skill proficiency levels
Strategic Management
Project management
Business Development
Business Process improvement
Management Consulting
Project portfolio management
Information Technology
Management Skills
Customer Relationship Management
Negotiation skills
Organization Skills

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Happy to work in transformational and dynamic environments where I can deliver maximum value to the organization.

Higher education (master)

Kingston University, London
Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Executive)
Accounting and Audit, Accounter-Auditor



EnglishC1 — Advanced

SpanishA2 — Elementary

VietnameseA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

Leadership in management

Tests, examinations

Carnegie Mellon University

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter