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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 8 марта 1986

Не ищет работу

Караганда, готов к переезду (Азербайджан, Грузия, Другие регионы, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Россия, Узбекистан), готов к командировкам

Operations Manager, Project Manager, QA/QC Manager / Eng (Mech), NDT /Welding Engineer

  • Другое

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 16 лет 6 месяцев

Май 2021по настоящее время
3 года 11 месяцев

Атырау, www.intertek.ru/careers/

Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще

Operational/Technical Manager
Job Title: OPERATION/TECHNICAL MANAGER Role description: - Oversee operations management and provide necessary support to Administrator Staffs, IVB Engineers, QC and NDT Inspectors/Technicians on operational issues. - Assist in resolving operational issues related to discrepancies, rejects, abortive inspections, and irregular incidents in the capacity of a technical manager. - Plan and control the department's budget execution. - Conduct weekly analytics and reporting. - Lead team selection, training, competency assessment, and coordination of project participants' activities, including the development of motivation schemes. - Prepare work instructions and ensure personnel are well-informed on the interpretation of Client Purchase Order and Specification requirements. - Develop and implement quality procedures, inspection plans (ITP) to ensure compliance with industry standards and client requirements. - Confirm inspectors' understanding of work instructions/SOPs, provide necessary briefings, and address client inquiries. - Review inspection and expediting reports before distribution. - Verify invoices issued to the client. - Maintain positive relations with Client representatives on major projects. - Foster close collaboration with other offices, providing backup information for quotation preparation. - Support business development efforts. - Take responsibility for improving margins and delivering added value to customers and stakeholders. - Address and resolve technical issues and complaints raised by clients. PROJECTS AT NCOC IVB PROJECT MANAGER Onshore/Offshore Projects summary: - **A-Island SOV Replacement Project Installation on all 8 wells of A-Island: Modification of the existing pipework on both sides of the annulus to suit new Inconel composite double side outlet valve (SOV); Swapping out single SOV on both sides of the annulus with a new composite double SOV. **Bundle 1 Project Upgrade of the existing RGI Compressors on D-Island : Replace the casings and re-bundle all three stages of the two (2) existing RGI compression trains at Island D. Debottlenecking: Removal of Bursting Disks (PSE) on LP Separator PSV inlet lines and Install new single Flanged Spool between PSV inlet and existing Header. Barges Preparation for Offshore Execution Campaign **Main Access Channel Project (MAC) Project Construction of Marine Access Channels network by Dredging methodology (Cutting Section Dredgers and Mechanical Dredging) to D-island and the existing NUIs, A-island, EPC-2, EPC-3, and EPC-4, to support marine logistics; and allow safe evacuation by IBEEVs from Kashagan East in the mid-term. MAC project is a part of NCOC’s response to the long-term trend of lower Caspian Sea Levels and to support offshore production. **NWTF – New Water Treatment Facility Project **1BCMA – 1 Billion Cubic Meters per year of Kashagan sour gas plant ROLE DESCRIPTION: - Project managing and client-facing focal-point primarily for the Independent Verification Body (IVB) service in accordance with Performance Standard on various Greenfield & Brownfield (initial suitability) and Combined Operations projects. In addition, management of the 3rd Party Independent Design Appraisal Certification service for compliance with codes & standards. - Planning, calculating, maintaining the budget, forecast for each project. - Monthly budget analysing and tracking. - Preparation of verification work instruction for each discipline for each project. - Issue Verification Plans, Matrix. - Control implementation of verifications as per WI and Performance Standard. - Technical support IVB Engineers during verifications. - Checking and signing Interim, Weekly, Final Verification Reports before distribution to the Client. Checking Observations, NCRs, Clarifications issued by Verification Engineers. - Issue Monthly Progress Report for Client analysing the monthly budgets, KPIs and open/close Observations, Findings, NCRs status. - Manage weekly meetings with Client for each project during the week and demanding close of the Observations, NCRs issued by IVB. - Issue IVB Certificate of Compliance.
Июнь 2019Май 2021
2 года

Атырау, ncoc.kz

Нефть и газ... Показать еще

QA/QC Engineer (Welding & NDT Level III)
- Monitoring QA/QC activities performed by Execution Contractor’s QA/QC activities at site for the Welding, NDT & Coating disciplines. - Monitoring progress of all quality, inspection and testing activities against contractor and sub-contractor ITP’s - Reviewing for the specific discipline QA/QC Documentation/Dossiers issued by Contractor, for the final approval of the QA/QC Coordinator. - Review of the Contractor’s QA/QC plans and procedures. - Verifying recommendation of internal and external Audits are implemented by the Execution Contractor. - Advising on the competence of Contractor Quality Personnel at the Construction sites, verifying they are possession of valid qualification related to the function performed. - Interpretation RT films. - Review and approve RT, UT techniques. - Validation of NDE operator qualification and test equipment. - Providing of full technical support to Construction, Engineering and Commissioning departments - Conducts timely inspection meeting to resolve quality control problems and discuss the inspection schedule with contractor, subcontractor. - Supervise welder’s qualification program and mechanical testing. - Attend and witness testing associated with piping. Typical tests include, but are not limited to NDE of designated components , hydrostatic , pneumatic, surface preparation, and coating application. - Verify the work is built and tested in accordance to the approved drawings and testing procedures. - Conduct surveillances to provide early warning of potential quality problems; ensure non-conformance are identified, tracked and closed prior to acceptance of the work.
Декабрь 2017Январь 2019
1 год 2 месяца

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

QA/QC Lead Inspector
Role description: - Supervised a team of 12 QC Inspectors, overseeing their activities and ensuring adherence to quality standards. - Coordinated all quality control activities, including QC inspection, material control, coating inspection, final certification, and vendor inspection. - Managed inspections, reports, and documentation issued by inspectors, collecting and filing required Quality Records. - Monitored Radiographic Testing (RT) and Automatic Ultrasonic Testing (UT) interpretation of 14” and 26” Carbon Steel Pipes. - Oversaw Coating Inspection and Tests. - Conducted new Procedure Qualification Tests (PQTs). - Developed new Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) and Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs). - Developed Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) procedures for VT, UT, RT, MT, and PT. - Assisted in developing Quality documents such as the Quality Manual, Quality Plans, and Procedures. - Dealt directly with company clients. - Evaluated the qualifications of inspection personnel. - Supported and participated in all internal and external audits. - Implemented preventive measures and corrective actions for non-conforming products.
Октябрь 2016Ноябрь 2017
1 год 2 месяца
Professional Training Center (subsidiary of ERSAI Caspian Contractor LLC and Saipem S.p.A, www.saipem.com; www.ersai.kz)

Актау, ersai.kz/career/retraining

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Training Center Manager
Role description: - Overall responsibility for Training Center activities which includes international training (classroom & practical), examination and qualification of welding personnel according to the program of International Institute of Welding and KAZWELD, training/examination and qualification of pipefitter/steel carpenter. - Managing team of 20, consisting of expat and local Trainers/Instructors, admin - Collaborate with Training Department and Operations Management to refine Training Center operations, ensuring they are in optimal alignment with company needs and goals. - Develop and implement assessments to measure Trainee achievement and understanding. Monitor Trainee achievement through ongoing assessments, devising strategies to bridge learning gaps when they emerge - Regularly interacts with Training Specialists and Trainees to develop teamwork and enthusiasm for everyone at the Training Center. - Development of Company orders, letters, training programs according to RoK requirements, International standards, Corporate documentation. - Development of annual budget. - Signing Certificates, approving protocols on behalf of Director. - Monitoring of RT Interpretation during Final Exam for Welders. - Assist to recruiting of Welders by Interview test for Welding Department. - Being Commission Chairman during examination for trainees who complete the RoK Mandatory Training. - Deal with Kazakhstan Welding Association “KAZWELD” for observance of examination/certification of International Welders. - Deal with company Clients in terms of training process organization for their personnel.
Июль 2015Август 2016
1 год 2 месяца

Атырау, www.lr.org

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

QA/QC Verification Engineer
Role description: Independent Verification Body & Certifying Authority of the Kashagan – 2 pipeline project on 2 x 28” 96 Km land & Sea Sour Oil and Gas Pipeline’s manufactured from L415 / Inconel 625 clad pipe from D Island the OPF. - Verifying activities include Pipe delivery inspection, fit up inspection, in process weld monitoring, Internal Video and laser scan inspection of pipe, Intermediate and Final Radiographic Interpretation, Digital Radiographic Interpretation and Final Visual inspection of Contractor's welding acttivities. - Daily monitoring of all NDT – RT, VT, UT, MT, Digital RT and Pin Brazing, Field Joint Coating activities. - Daily monitoring of Push Pull activities on strings for the shallow water approaches. - Monitoring of Pipeline Pigging & Gauging - Monitoring of Pipeline Hydro-test - Review of Contractors daily reports and final certification dossiers for intermediate string and finally installed pipeline..
Август 2012Июль 2015
3 года
Ersai Caspian Contractor LLC (Subsidiary of SAIPEM S.p.A, www.saipem.com)

Актау, www.ersai.kz/

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Сhief of Destructive Testing Laboratory/ Руководитель Лаборатории Механических Испытаний
Project: Kashagan-2 Trunkline project, FGP. Client: AGIP KCO (eni.com), NCOC NV, TCO LLC - (CHEVRON Coorporation, www.chevron.com) Role description: - Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Reporting all the DTL activities. - Ensuring compliance to ROK regulations, Third Party Inspection agencies and various - Internal and External Clients requirements related to Safety, Quality, Environmental and health aspects of the DTL activities carried out by the Lab and its subcontractors - Provides timely and qualitative compliance of functions and missions by employees entrusted to DTL - Provides compliance of confidentiality information concerning tests by employees including certifying tests - Represents DTL in Accreditation Institution and Technical Engineering and Metrology Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Provides interaction of DTL with other organizations regarding tests and including certifying tests - Verifies and approves the internal documents of DTL, including work instructions for the destructive testing, to ensure their compliance with standards ST RoK ISO/IEC 17025 and the administrative requirements of the Company - Initiates validation conduct of certain methods of test used in the laboratory, in accordance with DTL regulations of the Company, standards and specifications for control of facility - Signs test logs, including certifying tests - Performs interlaboratory control in DTL - Controls timeliness of ND updating - Observes the requirements of management system in testing and condition of quality manual - Participates in design of internal documents of DTL managements system - Organizes DTL staff training with the purpose of qualification increase - Organizes arrangement of safe working conditions (observance of safety measures, fire safety, production sanitary) - Provides maintenance of labor discipline by employees. - Preparation DTL for accreditation by NCA (National Center of Accreditation) ____________________________________________________ - Общее руководство персоналом лаборатории. - Контроль за деятельностью персоналов,контроль качества; - Системная организация рабочего процесса лаборатории. - Ведение внутреннего документооборота. - Проведение испытаний и организация проведения испытаний подчиненными работниками. - Участие в разработке новых технологических режимов выпуска продукции. - Обеспечение проведения аккредитации лаборатории; - Организация и контроль проведения государственной поверки средств измерений - Осуществление взаимодействие с территориальными органами гос. контроля
Сентябрь 2010Август 2012
2 года
Ersai Caspian Contractor LLC (Subsidiary of SAIPEM S.p.A, www.saipem.com)

Актау, www.ersai.kz

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Quality Engineer / Инженер по качеству
Project: “Kashagan” Hook-up and Commissioning of Complex D and Island A – Offshore Facilities. Client: AGIP KCO (www.eni.com) Role description - Preparation the package of documents for accreditation of Ersai DT Laboratory - Working out Development of the Quality Management System for Laboratory. - Implement and maintain the Quality system in accordance with ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. - Responsibilities include reporting to Company Quality Manager; - Material inspection & certificates review; Perform visual inspection of piping and structural welded joints; monitoring of welding parameters; - Control consumables during installation/construction activities, supervising welding operations; - Monitoring of NDT necessary inspections; Collecting, reviewing and revising documents consisted in work pack/test pack (NDT reports, as-built drawings, daily welding reports, material traceability logs, welding monitoring reports); - Following inspections as per relevant Quality Control Plan and Procedures; - Control of welders qualifications; Review welding requirements for field piping isometrics and erected structures, vessels, tanks; - Prepare necessary reports of inspection and punch list raising if applicable; Review drawings in order to confirm compliance to project requirements.
Май 2008Сентябрь 2010
2 года 5 месяцев
Ersai Caspian Contractor LLC (SAIPEM S.p.A)

Актау, www.ersai.kz/

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

QC Welding Inspector / Инспектор по сварке
Project: 1) Procurement and fabrication of Pipe Racks. 2) “Kashagan” Hook-up and Commissioning of Complex D and Island A – Offshore Facilities. Client: NCOC NV (AGIP KCO) Role description - Welding inspection, Monitoring welding activities; - Coordination to NDT sub-contractors for outstanding project NDT requirements; - To check/review and provide red line/as-built on all drawings having site modification; - Conduct regular toolbox meeting to welding personnel and pipe/structural fabricators emphasizing quality matters; - Radiography Interpretation of carbon / stainless steel pipes. - Welders’ performance record (to assess repair rate in order to impose corrective actions for welders who are found out ineffective); - Prepare Event Report for any discrepancy and non-conformance job activities on site; - Prepare Concession Request for any technical deviations which arise for site construction activities; - Walk down inspection with client representative; - Preparation of documentation for completed Job Cards and submission for client approval; - To check/review and provide red line/as-built on all drawings having site modification; - Preparation of final documentation to be submitted to client; - Conducting, monitoring & control of implementation of Welders Qualification Tests; - To release fabricated piping spools for painting; - To check (walk down inspection) erected piping before pressure testing to ensure all items are properly installed and satisfied to specified requirements; to prepare as-built revision according to line check observation; preparation of Test Pack documentation; - Verification of drawing revision, welders qualification, applied welding procedure specification, welding consumable identity in compliance with WPS, base material identity in compliance with drawing, calibration of welding equipment & inspection instruments, method of bevel preparation, level and method of pre-heat applied prior to welding and tacking, fit-up, alignment, pre-welding distortion control, welding process and all related variable parameters (voltage, amperage, travel speed etc), welding and/or purging gases (type, pressure/flow), oxygen content inside gas chamber to avoid oxidation of root pass, interpass temperature etc.; - Carrying-out visual inspection, checking and monitoring NDT requirements and post weld heat treatment (if required), re-inspect with NDT after PWHT (if applicable); - For repairs: monitoring excavation procedure, NDT execution for assessment of complete defect removal, monitoring the execution of re-welding procedure, re-inspect the repair area with visual inspection and approved NDT method; - Witnessing the preparation of test pieces and destructive tests, and witnessing of welder and procedure approval tests verifying compliance with appropriate standards and specifications.


Уровни владения навыками
Good knowledge of ASME IX, ASME B31.1, AWS D1.1, API 1104, ISO 9001, ISO 14001
Good knowledge and experience in Quality Management system

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории A, B, C

Обо мне

Professional knowledge of ISO 9001. ISO 19011. Good knowledge of Management System. Ability to solve production problems, organizational skills and the proven ability to collaborate with all levels of personnel, focus on achieving results. Good knowledge of Standards as ASME IX, ASME B31.3, AWS D1.1, API 1104 Obtained International Welding Engineer Diploma, CSWIP RI level-II, CWI Level II, CSWIP Level 2 etc. Certificates.

Высшее образование

International Institut of Welding - IIW (http://www.iiwelding.org/Pages/Default.aspx)
Welding / Сварочное, International Welding Engineer - IWE / Международный Инженер по сварке
Karaganda State Technical Univercity / Карагандинский государственный технический университет (http://www.kstu.kz/?lang=en)
Machinbuilding, 050712, Welding Engineer

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

CSWIP RI Certificate No 110067, Level-II_Radiographic interpretation
TWI, United Kingdom, NDT-Welding_Expire date 14.11.2025
CSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspector (Level II)_exp.05.12.2026
TWI, TWI - The Welding Institute_UK
BOSIET OPITO – Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training.
YKK, Atyrau, Kazakhstan, Offshore Safety
CWI - Certified Welding Inspector ( level II) Cert 19050731_exp.01.05.2025
AWS - American Welding Society, Welding Inspection_NDT
Member of American Welding Society, Member No:40082046
American Welding, Welding
VT Level-III , ISO 9712 №0437-A-527C_exp. 22.02.2023
Level-IV Welding Engineer Certificate
NAKS-GAC, Welding Enginnering
MT, Level -II, №1747-B-994N_exp 15.09.2019
NDTCC, NDT welding
UT-Ultrasonic Test Level II, №1747-B-994N_exp 15.09.2019
NDTCC, NDT Welding
ISO 9001"Quality System's Internal Auditor
Bureau Veritas LLC, Internal Audit
PT Level-II, expired
NDTCC, NDT welding
Mechanical Testing, Level-II
NDTCC, Destructive Testing (Mechanical Testing)
ISO/IEC 17025 "Laboratory Quality System's Internal Auditor"
Bureau Veritas, Audit
Health and Safety
ТОО "Шам-Шырак", Safety
Hardness Test, Level-II
IWE - International Welding Engineer Diploma №KZ/IWE000143/ Международный Инженер по сварке
IIW- International Institute of Welding (http://www.iiwelding.org/Pages/Default.aspx), Welding Engineering
"Расчет неопределенности измерений для поверочных/калибровочных и испытательных лабораторий", Удостоверение
RoK Institute of Metrology / Казахстанский институт метрологии", Испытательная лаборатория
Welding Coordinator / Координатор сварочных работ, ИСО 14731 (EN 719)
Бюро Веритас Стамбул, Welding

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан, Великобритания, Казахстан, Канада, Кыргызстан, Россия, США, Узбекистан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения