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Male, 38 years, born on 24 September 1986

Astana, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), not prepared for business trips

Project manager, director, coordinator, team leader

4 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 17 years 8 months

April 2021currently
4 years
TODINI Costruzioni Generali S.p.a. JSC
Project Manager
IBRD Loan No. 8156-KZ: East-West Roads Project, Reconstruction of the International Transit Corridor “Western Europe – Western China”, «Balkhash-Burylbaital» road section, lot 3, km 1955-2005 Tasaral-Saryshagan; Contract Lot 3: EWRP-1955-2005-LIB(W3)-001/2020 FIDIC 2017
June 2018March 2021
2 years 10 months
TODINI Costruzioni Generali S.p.a. JSC
Project Manager
Reconstruction of "Taldykorgan - Kalbatau - Ust - Kamenogorsk" road, section km 287 - 1073 on a turnkey basis as part of the international consortium CITIC Construction CO., Ltd / K-Dorstroy / Todini Central Asia, section km 971-1073, East Kazakhstan region, implementation period 2018-2022
September 2020December 2020
4 months
MC Mobility Consultants GmbH/ CIVITTA
Road Safety Auditor
Environmental and Social Assessment for EBRD Road Safety Audit 52149, “Kyzylorda-Zhezkasgan” Rehabilitation Project, Kazakhstan
January 2018June 2018
6 months
Todini Central Asia LLP
Technical Director / Project Manager
Reconstruction of the Taldykorgan - Kalbatau - Ust - Kamenogorsk road section, km 287 - 1073 on a turnkey basis as part of the international consortium CITIC Construction CO., Ltd / K-Dorstroy / Todini Central Asia, East Kazakhstan region, implementation period 2018 -2022
March 2015January 2018
2 years 11 months
Todini Central Asia LLP
Technical Director
Assistance to "Todini" company management (6 lots in the Kyzylorda region) and "Salini" (5 lots in the Kyzylorda region) in the successful completion of the project for the reconstruction of international transit corridor "Western Europe-Western China"; Implementation of the project for reconstruction of Almaty-Ust-Kamenogorsk highway, km 77-118 (Almaty region)
January 2013July 2015
2 years 7 months
Kazsevavtodor LLP
General Director
Successfully implemented projects: - Reconstruction of international transit corridor "Western Europe-Western China", lots 10 and 11, Kyzylorda region (the whole range of works under a subcontract agreement with "TODINI Costruzioni Generali S.p.a."); - reconstruction of the public road "Uzynkol-Sarykol" section km 0-80 km (Kostanay region) - Reconstruction of the public highway “Fedorovka-Lenino-Vishnevoe” section, km 0-70 km (Kostanay region); - reconstruction of the station Ugolnaya (near the US Embassy), Nur-Sultan.
May 2012April 2013
1 year
Kazsevavtodor LLP
Successfully implemented projects: - Reconstruction of international transit corridor "Western Europe-Western China", lots 10 and 11, Kyzylorda region (the whole range of works under a subcontract agreement with "TODINI Costruzioni Generali S.p.a."); - reconstruction of the public road "Uzynkol-Sarykol" section km 0-80 km (Kostanay region) - Reconstruction of the public highway “Fedorovka-Lenino-Vishnevoe” section, km 0-70 km (Kostanay region); - reconstruction of the station Ugolnaya (near the US Embassy), Nur-Sultan.
August 2011May 2012
10 months
Committee of Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chief expert of Department of Foreign Loans
Preparation, successful signing and ratification by both Chambers of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Agreement on Loan between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to the amount of 2.125 billion tenge under the reconstruction project of the international transit corridor "Western Europe-Western China" (Kyzylorda region, South Kazakhstan region); Preparation, agreement of tender documentation with the IFIs and holding of tenders for the selection of Consultants for project management, construction supervision and institutional development of the industry (shortlisting, opening and evaluation of technical and financial documents - 8 lots), as well as Contractors (prequalification, opening and evaluation of technical and financial documents - 21 lots) in accordance with the rules of the International Competitive Bidding; Full supervision (inspection of payment certificates, scope of work, variation orders, etc.) of the entire process of reconstruction of the international transit corridor "Western Europe-Western China" (Kyzylorda region 15 lots, South Kazakhstan region 6 lots)
February 2011August 2011
7 months
Committee of Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Chief expert of Quality Control Department
Overall control over the quality of works on roads of national significance, joint scientific work with "Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute" JSC
June 2009February 2011
1 year 9 months
Committee of Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Expert of Department of foreign loans and concession projects
Preparation and issuance of technical specifications for design of highways of the national significance, control over timely execution of design and survey works. Assistance to territorial subdivisions in implementing of highway reconstruction projects ("Astana-Burabai" project, Akmola region).
October 2008June 2009
9 months
Committee of Roads of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Expert of Department of construction and reconstruction
Preparation and issuance of technical specifications for design of highways of the national significance, control over timely execution of design and survey works. Assistance to territorial subdivisions in implementing of highway reconstruction projects ("Astana-Burabai" project, Akmola region).
June 2007July 2008
1 year 2 months
Zhambylzholkurylys LLP
Road laborer
Construction, maintenance and patching of public roads (sections in Shu district of Zhambyl region) and service roads (access roads and internal roads of "KEGOC" JSC electric power station in Zhambyl region).


Skill proficiency levels
Production Management
Financial Management
Financial Planning
Strategic Planning
Business communication
Business Correspondence
Personnel management
organizational skills
Negotiation skills

Driving experience

Driver's license category A, B, C

About me

Training and skills development in "Road Management and Transport Policy", South Korea, 2010. Training and skills development in "Development of transport infrastructure between the PRC and the countries of Central and North Asia", PRC, 2011.

Higher education (master)

Academy of Economics and Law named after W.A. Dzholdasbekov
economy, finance
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpayev
civil engineering, construction of roads and air fields



ArabicA1 — Basic

EnglishB1 — Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter