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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 43 years, born on 6 September 1981

Not looking for a job

Bishkek, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Flutter Mobile Software Developer (Middle)

  • Programmer, developer

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 21 year 7 months

July 2020currently
4 years 9 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Mobile Software Developer (Flutter/Dart)
State management: BLoC/Provider/Riverpod, Dependency injection: GetIt Local storage: Hive/ObjectBox/Shared Preferences Cloud services: Firebase Firestore/Auth/Crashlytics Client/Server: dio/REST/JSON Code generation: Freezed Internalization: Intl/Easy Localization Tools: JIRA, Slack, Hubstaff Design principles: SOLID/KISS/DRY Version control system: Git
March 2022June 2022
4 months
WTT Solutions
Mobile Software Developer (Flutter)
Application: Pitch59 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pitch59/id1502156356 Layout modifications Feature debugging/enhancements Null-safety migration Customer meetings
July 2015July 2020
5 years 1 month
United Nations, World Food Programme
IT Operations Associate
• Virtualized environment administration (VMware vSphere: VCenter Server, datastores, HA/FT/DRS) • Storage Administration (EMC VNXe, Unisphere) • Linux administration (CentOS/Ubuntu: DNS/DHCP/Nagios/Nginx/Postgresql) • MS Windows administration (Windows server 2019-2008: Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, File/Print services, WDS, WSUS, Sophos Enterprise Console) • Network infrastructure management (based on Cisco and 3Com: LAN,WAN, Wireless LAN, VLAN) • Network security (based on SonicWall: firewall and content filtering, NAT/PAT/DMZ/VPN) • Backup management (Veeam Backup and Replication) • Monitoring (Nagios Core + NagiosQL)
August 2011June 2015
3 years 11 months
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Centre in Bishkek


IT Specialist
* Virtualized environment administration (VMware vSphere 5.0: VCenter Server, Virtual Storage Appliance, VMs administration with HA/FT/DRS) * MS Windows environment administration in geographically dispersed locations (Windows servers 2008, Active Directory, Exchange, SCCM, Lync, McAfee E-policy Orchestrator, DNS, DHCP, File/Print services) * Linux (Suse, RedHad) environment administration (MySQL database administration, Squid Proxy Server, F-Secure Internet Security, Dansguardian Content Filter, Nagios Monitoring System) * Backup management (HP Data protector, Tape libraries) ; * Cisco VoIP/LAN/WAN administration
June 2009August 2011
2 years 3 months
System Administrator
* MS Windows environment administration (Windows servers 2003, Active Directory, File/Print services) * Virtualized environment administration (VMware ESXs, VCenter server) ; * Linux/Unix OS administration (DNS, DHCP, Squid Proxy Server, ClamAV antivirus, IPF Firewall) ; * Cisco routers and switches configuring and administration ; * Level 2 user support
September 2007June 2009
1 year 10 months
Аreopag Informaiton Technologies
Senior service engineer
* IT systems design and implementation * Customers' engineers consulting ; * Servers, storages, fiber optic switches configuring, troubleshooting * Software and hardware RAID configuration * SAN configuring ; * Unix Solaris based cluster installation and configuring ; * Database management systems installation and configuring (MySQL, Oracle)
May 2005September 2007
2 years 5 months
Аreopag Informaitonal Center
System Administrator
* Windows 2003 server and Unix Solaris OS installation, configuring and optimizing ; * LAN and internet services administration: DNS, DHCP, Proxy servers installation, configuring and administration, Firewalls and VPN configuring, Wireless networks configuring and administration * Web services: web server (apache) administration, web site development (PHP, HTML, CSS programming; Joomla content management system installation and configuring), website content updating * Mail services administration: imap, pop3, smtp servers installation, configuring and administration * Level 2 user support
September 2003May 2005
1 year 9 months
Аreopag Information Technologies
Support engineer
* Windows NT, Windows 2000 installation, configuring and administration ; * Office software installation and configuration ; * Computer users support * PC hardware troubleshooting ; * Local area network support (ip configuration, shared recourses and devices administration)


Skill proficiency levels

Higher education (bachelor)

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
Computer science, Software engineering



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

GermanA1 — Basic

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter