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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Male, 55 years, born on 4 April 1969
Not looking for a job
Belgorod, willing to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips
Ведущий программист .NET
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time, project work
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 27 years
December 2022 — currently
2 years 4 months
Max Data LTD Inc,
USA, maxdatalab.com/
Senior Principal Developer
Senior Principal Developer работаю над универсальным решением для создания отчетов, которое сочетает в себе исторические отчеты и отчеты в реальном времени от голоса и мультимедиа Genesys и Cisco (UCCE и UCCX) через протокол Cisco CTI Server/PG.
Програмное обеспечение
Visual Studio .NET 2022 in C#, ASP.NET, Java Scripts, WCF with Entity Framework с Code First and Database First workflows, WPF, Silverlight 5, Angular 7, HTML5, Windows Services 2012, ADO.NET, MS SQL 2012 с reporting services, Nuance, Genesys IRD and Composer, Genesys Designer (9.x), Genesys SDK voice and media, Cisco CTI Server/PG protocols
July 2019 — currently
5 years 9 months
Max Data LTD Inc, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Старший разработчик Visual Studio 2019
Senior Principal Developer. Deployment and customization of unified Genesys (media) and Cisco (UCCE) historical and real-time reporting solutions with Genesys WFM integration for Rabobank in Netherlands.
Visual Studio .NET 2015/2017/2019 in VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, Java Scripts, WCF, MVC, WPF, Silverlight 5, Angular 5, Windows Services 2012, ADO.NET, MS SQL 2012 with reporting services, Nuance, Genesys IRD and Composer, Genesys SDK voice and media
August 2021 — December 2022
1 year 5 months
The Hartford Insurance Company
USA, www.thehartford.com/
Senior Principal Developer
Использование веб-инструмента Genesys Designer (9.x) для разработки приложений самообслуживания (IVR) и вспомогательного обслуживания (маршрутизация). Предоставлены высокофункциональные блоки, которые позволяют выполнять общие задачи из палитры в потоке приложений для создания приложений самообслуживания, основанных на VoiceXML, и приложений маршрутизации, которые объединяют приложения самообслуживания (VoiceXML) и приложения маршрутизации (SCXML). Создано приложение Wallboard с использованием .NET 2022, JavaScript с ООП и SignalR.
December 2016 — July 2019
2 years 8 months
Intuit, США
USA, www.intuit.com/
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Interactive Intelligence (Genesys) and Aspect eWFM Sr. Principal SDK Developer
• Deployed Real-Time Statistics Service (RTSS). Real-Time visibility to agent activities, schedules, metrics, and productivity is critical to running a successful business. Juggling the integrations behind the monitoring and reporting that enables that visibility is a messy business. Like Aspect's RTA application, the RTS service connects the tools behind the scenes and can run complex calculations in memory, relieving strain from other systems (Genesys, Cisco, ININ, Aspect). This enables other applications like RTA and ISC to run by leveraging this service. These services working together produce customizable reporting that aggregates data across Genesys, Cisco, ININ or Aspect (current integrations) to combine agent activities and agent schedules.
• Created Intuit Staff Counting Web Applications. It is graphic Web Application using Aspect eWFM Web Service connectivity
August 2013 — December 2016
3 years 5 months
Max Data LTD, Inc, США
USA, www.maxdatalab.com
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Genesys/Cisco Architect, Analyst. Sr. Principal Web Developer
• Senior Genesys SDK Developer and Real-Time and Historical Reporting at Wittel (Brazil).
• Chief Architect to create “The Universal Reporting Solution” in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET using WPF, Silverlight 5, MVC with Microsoft SQL 2012. It is a comprehensive reporting engine that provides intelligent insight about Call Center traffic. The solution allows completing and truing real-time picture of every component of the Call center, consolidate information from all routing platforms and receive complete and fully customizable information tailored to Call Center Business.
• Visual Studio .NET 2010/2013 in VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, Java Scripts, WCF, MVC, WPF – 2010, Silverlight 5, Windows Services 2008/2012, ADO.NET, MS SQL 2008/2012 with reporting services.
February 2012 — July 2013
1 year 6 months
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Genesys Architect, Analyst. Sr. Principal Developer.
Working on proposal of five Genesys projects:
• Statistics Service Engine: The core engine. Uses Genesys SDK to monitor and capture all events occurring in extensions, positions, queues/VQs of Genesys T-Server and Interaction Server.
• Web Reporting: Provides a variety of preconfigured historical and real-time web-based with graphic interface.
• Real Time Reporting Solution: Produces real-time stream of data that can be custom formatted and broadcasted to any 3rd party apps (wall boards, WFM, reporting tools, CRM).
• Data Migration Tool: Integrates SSG repository with any customer database or CRM for seamless data migration.
• WFM Service Tool: Serves as a bridge between Genesys environments and any WFM platform by providing real-time stream and aggregated historical reports in any time interval.
• Visual Studio .NET 2010 in VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, Java Scripts, WCF, Windows Services 2008, ADO.NET, MS SQL 2008 with Reporting Services, Genesys Framework (Routing, Reporting Infomart & Insight).
January 2009 — February 2012
3 years 2 months
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Genesys Architect, Analyst. Sr. Principal Developer. Owner
• Chief Architect to developed unique reporting solutions for small to medium size call centers. Increased performance and system efficiency for Cisco/Genesys environment.
• Directed architecture and development efforts for applications that support call center environments across established market segments.
• Architected and led telephony or call center development solutions for global clients and Genesys partners including Teleopti in Sweden, Bell Canada and Air Canada in Canada, Proximus in Belgium, Scottish Power in UK, Contax, Unibanko and Alcatel in Brazil, Nextel in Argentina, APPT in Australia, Vodafone in Egypt, Vodacom in South Africa, AT&T, Farmers Insurance, ESRI, Lincoln Financial, Franklin Financial, AMEX, GM On Start.
• Integrated “Customer Interaction Softphone Application” into call center environment for customer data including contact history
• Visual Studio .NET 2010 in VB.NET, C#, J#, ASP.NET, Java Scripts, WCF, Windows Services 2008, ADO.NET, MS SQL 2008/2012 with reporting services, CTI J2EE, Oracle 6-12, PL/SQL, Genesys Framework (routing, reporting), Genesys Multimedia.
• Genesys Agent Applications, GAD, GPlus, Genesys SIP Server, Avaya PBX, Cisco CUCM, Real-Time stream to Wallboard & Reader-board, Genesys Interactive Insights ( and Infomart.
July 2007 — January 2009
1 year 7 months
USA, www.genesys.com/
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Senior Software Developer
• Designed call center reporting for Genesys release 7.6 and 8.0 pulling data from Icon database.
• Led program development for CME Windows Applications for call center report data transfers; daily updates from Icon Database to historical database.
• Directed development efforts for web management tool that integrated call center reporting solutions with front end dashboard.
• Built system using ASP.NET framework 3.5 in VB.NET, C#, J#, Java and MS SQL Server 2005; reporting service used MS SQL 2005 for back-end system.
• Windows Server 2003, XP, Vista, MS SQL Server 2005, Oracle, UNIX
February 2001 — July 2007
6 years 6 months
SNG Data, Inc США
Ведущий програмист .NET телекомуникатион индустри.
Genesys Architect, Analyst. Senior Principal Developer
• Architected and led telephony or call center development solutions for global clients and partners including American Express, Intel, and GM on Star, IBM, and Barclay Card along with AT&T.
• Integrated “Customer Interaction Softphone Application” into call center environment for customer data including contact history
• ICM (scripting), ICPP, Verint (Blue Pumpkin), INOVA or Texas Digital reader boards, IEX and speech recognition
• Customized solution comprised multiple touch points such as IVR, chat, email along with web connection.
• Developed middleware for interface and database to deliver implemented workflow that supported stare of the art call center functionality.
• Designed and implemented Cisco IVR and Genesys IVR overlap within “Telephony Bridge” program. System changes allowed calls and data to be transferred across system without defect or hiccup.
• Led American Express project that integrated centralized enterprise reporting component between Genesys and Cisco. For 40,000 agents call center.
• Delivered leading edge Cisco/Genesys integration program that transferred data to Workforce Management system for historical or real time reporting.
• Built Collection Services solution ensuring data integrity within the Genesys Stat server and call concentrator environments.
• Collaborated with development team to build system from the ground-up; program was rolled-out across world class organizations globally.
• Creating Reporting Engine for Cisco IPCC and deployed at Bell Canada (Toronto) and TD Bank (Canada). Application was written in VB.NET Framework 3.5
• Windows Server 2008 and Database on MS SQL Server 2008, UNIX, Oracle , .NET, SOAP calls, Java, XML, CMST COM, DCOM, TCP/IP, Genesys T-Server/Cisco PG, ACD, PBX
April 1998 — February 2001
2 years 11 months
ELOYALTY, Chicago, Illinois США
Principal Developer
• Directed 3 developers to design and integrate a customized eLoyalty Genesys cockpit application supporting call center environments relevant to CSR desktop solutions.
• Built n-tier IIS application utilizing HTML and visual basic; system runs on basic front end rules command through web server.
• Windows Server 95/98/2000 OS, MS SQL Server , Windows 2000, Lucent G3 switches, Genesys CTI, Inter Voice IVR, Oracle 8.01, ADO 2.5, ASP, HTML, DHTML, WEB Class, COM+
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
Ориентированный на результат Senior Principal (Web and Windows) Разработчик .NET с обширным опытом предоставления решений IVR и телефонии для колл-центра. Специализирюсь на разработке приложений для систем управления с клиентами (CRM). Опыт разработки индивидуальных решений, которые оптимизируют отчетность, устраняют пробелы в интеграции или системные «hiccups». Умение разрабатывать интерфейсные приложения между средами Genesys и Cisco CTI и генерировать отчеты с помощью базы данных Genesys ICON. Универсальный профессионал, способный разрабатывать приложения, повышающие производительность и оптимизирующие операции. Свободно владею русским, шведским и английским языками.
Higher education
Стокгольмский Университет
computer science
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia, USA
Permission to work: Russia, USA
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter