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USA, I want to relocate (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Other regions, Kazakhstan, Kievskoye (Krasnodar Territory), Kyrgyzstan, Moscow, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), prepared for business trips

Reservoir Engineer

  • Other

Employment: full time, part time

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, rotation based work

Work experience 24 years 7 months

September 2000currently
24 years 7 months
Techhous(off-shore consulting)

Russia, www.techhous.us

Oil and Gas... Show more

chief technical officer, consultant
2004 - 2012: Techhous: Simferopol, Ukraine(Russia): Offshore oil reservoir/production related consulting with principle, management and field engineers of Chornimorskineftagas/Ukraneft/Ukraine Shelf-Black Sea. Research and Consulting on retainer formerly out of Simferopol. seasoned technical expertise in the areas of the specifics of well testing description tools, drill stem testing, composition/distillation, fluids analysis, PTA, rock properties, PDA and production logging, vertical seismic profiling, geophysical data, velocity modeling, acoustic and cement bond logging. using eclipse, fracman and t-navigator comparative analysis offering expert on reservoir rock flow dynamics. 2000 - 2002: Department of State, Foreign Service - St Petersburg, Russia: LAN manager, Communications Officer, Developed 'Delphi' OOP software supporting GSO and motor pool inventories used/distributed throughout Eastern Europe. Recipient of Meritorious Service Award when construced Oracle server out of salvage parts to timely issue medivac visas. 1998 - 2000: FPSI(Fujitsu/Intel/Microsoft) – Oregon, Washington and Japan: Used cross cultural and Japanese language skills to augment quality assurance while making sure that release dates between Japanese main board manufacturers, stateside chip manufacturers and driver developers and Microsoft OS releases were well coordinated. 1996 - 1997: Terra Systems -Lynnwood, WA: Developed reporting/acquistion insitu device driver software, interfaced with hydrology field support as part of field engineer service agreement. 1994 - 1996: Doshisha, Ritsumekan Univ, Osaka/Kyoto, Japan. After building “budy-study” where wireless polling transmitter was used to update classroom double-byte NEC computers via rs232 port, was solicited in major universities to teach freshman science and 'technical English' in the Kansai/Kyoto area. Publications in alternative teaching methods using music and computer aided instruction CAI are still internet accessible through journals of teaching conferences held at Doshisha and Ritsumekan Universities. Videos of instruction technique-available on youtube.com upon request. 1983 - 1994: CoreLab/Western Atlas/Litton Intl Downhole data acquisition drivers, user interface/simulator development and wireline services field engineer supervisor, based out of Dallas/Houston and ultimately Singapore, traveled South America, SouthEast Asia and the North Sea, improving cross-cultural communication/foreign language proficiency; developed downhole data acquisition software and taught local field engineers to compile and present salient client reports, improve formation evaluation accuracy and gain greater facility with state-of-art downhole sensing devices.


Skill proficiency levels
Reservoir Simulation Modeling: tNavigator Tempest Petrel Eclipse Petrosys ResView PVTsim Techhous...
Industry IT systems/development certifications: A+ Network+ MCSD MCSE MCDBA others.
Integrated Development Frameworks: Ruby/Rails Node.js Php Python Dot.Net JVM Eclipse IntelliJ other
Concurrency MapReduce/Big Data Mining: Hadoop Haskel Julia R Linq SQL/noSQL JS SPSS SAS others.
Engineering/IT-Development Courses: Reservoir Modeling Numerical Methods Node.js Php Java others.
Societies/Meetups Officer/Presenter: SPE US/Europe BlackSea Summit SEAJUG Node.js Phonegap Meteor.js
Spoken Languages: Conversation ability in most Germanic, Asian, Slavic and Latin languages.
Well testing, Sampling, Reservoir Description tool, Drill Stem Test Tools.
Reservoir fluid composition, fractional distillation, composition in solution analysis.
Pressure Transient Analysis(PTA). reservoir/connate rock-porosity, permeability, connectivity.
Production Logging Data(PDA), Vertical Seismic Profiling(VSP) and Borehole Seismic Analysis.
Reservoir, geophysical data quality, processing, analysis and interpretation.
Velocity modeling, checkshot, zero offset testing, acoustic data and cement bond(CBL) logging.

About me

Reservoir Simulation: tNavigator Tempest Petrel Eclipse Petrosys ResView PVTsim Perform Prosper Mbal (please ask.) Industry IT systems/development certifications: A+ Network+ MCSD MCSE MCDBA Visual Basic (please ask.) Integrated Development Frameworks: Ruby/Rails Node.js Php Python Dot.Net JVM Eclipse IntelliJ others. Concurrency MapReduce/Big Data Mining: Hadoop Haskel Julia R Linq SQL/noSQL JS Scala SPSS SAS others. DoS-SmartForce, Online, Kenexa-Prove-It: Site Safety Node.js Php Java Web Authoring/Security DB Cisco others. Engineering/IT-Development Courses: Reservoir Modeling PTA-PDA Numerical Methods Node.js Php Java others. Societies/Meetups Officer/Presenter: SPE US/Europe BlackSea Summit SEAJUG Node.js Phonegap Meteor.js others. Spoken Foriegn Languages: Conversation ability in some/most Germanic, Asian, Slavic and Latin languages. Education/Awards: MS-Petroleum Engineering(U-Wyoming) BS-Applied Math(BYU) Seattle Central Programming Certificate Meritorious Service-DoS ARCOMM-Army deans-list national-honor-society. Letters of acknowledgment, references, web-sites and publications happily furnished upon request. Thanks kindly.


Higher education (PhD)

Computer Science, Programming Certificate
Rikkyo Daigaku, Japan
Education Psychology, Phd candidate-Alternative Teaching Methods/Computer Assisted Instruction-published but didnt complete..
University of Wyoming
Petroluem Engineering, In-situ 3d potentiometric math modeling.
Brigham Young
Math/Chemistry, applied math-quantum mechanics



ChineseA1 — Basic

FrenchA1 — Basic

GermanC1 — Advanced

JapaneseC1 — Advanced

NorwegianA1 — Basic

RussianC2 — Proficiency

SpanishC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Well test, workover, secondary/tertiary recovery.
Western Atlas, Core Lab, Dresser Atlas, Wireline service/downhole device field engineer.

Tests, examinations

Smart Force, Kenexa, Code Academy
many certs - please ask about specific interest., network, server tech, back end and distributed apps.

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia, USA

Permission to work: Russia, USA

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter