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Мужчина, 63 года, родился 19 ноября 1961

Активно ищет работу

Баку, готов к переезду (Азербайджан, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Россия, Таджикистан, Туркменистан, Турция, Узбекистан), готов к командировкам

Указан примерный район поиска работы

Project Manager, QA/QC engineer or specialist, etc.

  • Инженер по качеству

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 32 года 1 месяц

Февраль 2022по настоящее время
3 года 2 месяца
CIS Representative

Азербайджан, new.incerta.com.tr/en/

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Region Representative
• Negothiations with client for various inspection disiplines. • Business Promotion (ASME Certification for Pressure Vessels, etc.).
Октябрь 2019Январь 2022
2 года 4 месяца
Montazh Spets Stroy (MCC)

Атырау, mcc.kz/en/

Senior QA/QC Manager
• Responsible person for QA/QC of Pipe Lines constructed from API 5L X60 pipes and Pressure Piping constructed accordingly to API 1104 Welding on Pipelines & Related Facilities standard. Pipelines diameters from 1’’ to 24’’. • Responsible person for QA/QC of Pipelines constructed from HDPE. Pipelines diameters from 4’’ to 20’’ • Controlling of welding process and welder’s qualifications accordingly to API 1104 and TCO requirements. • Responsible person for 50 QA/QC specialist’s team consists of welding, coating, civil and incoming control inspectors, Turn Over specialists and Internal Auditors. • Lead subcontracted Third Party “West Control Cervices Ltd.” NDT Company for RT, UT, MPI, DPT and HT. • Lead all raised QA/QC issues and problems internally between production, engineering, procurement and so on. • Lead all raised QA/QC issues and problems with Bonatti SpA and Tengiz Chevron Oil. • Site visits of 3GI, 3GP, MS 53, MS 55 and etc. independently and sometimes with Project Director. • Organization of ISO 9001Internal Auditor Training Course for Leadership and lead specialists of both shifts. • Lead negotiations and concluding the draft version of the contract with TPI companies for expert and deep auditing of MSS’s welding system, personnel, staff qualification, equipment, NDT and etc. • Lead the Punch List closure, Mechanical Certificate receiving and etc. activities for Turn Over. • Lead NCRs and SRs closure. • Lead mobilization and demobilization matters. • Weekly meetings with Tengiz Chevron Oil’s QA/QC team. • Weekly meetings with Tengiz Chevron Oil’s Construction team. • Weekly meetings with MCC Head Quarter. • Other tasks from MSS Project and HQ Leadership.
Июль 2017Август 2018
1 год 2 месяца
Sumgait Technologies Park (STP)


QHSE Department Director
STP includes Heavy Machine Building Factory, Presses Factory, Fine Mechanics Factory, Machine Building Plant, Crain Manufacturing Plant, Electrical equipment Plant, Cable Factory, Polymeric Products Factory, Hot Galvanizing Factory, Sandwich Panels Plant, Ventilation Systems Plant, Solar Collectors and Boilers Plant and etc. Quantity of employees are 1800. • Lead all matters of Integrated Management System (ISO 9001; OHSAS 18001; ISO 14001). • Lead the Quality staff, including 40 various discipline inspectors staff and 2 (two) TPI Company. • Tendering and choosing of Authorised Inspection Agency (TUV Nord) for ASME certification for obtaining of ASME U (Pressure Vessels), U2 (Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels), S (Power Boilers) stamps and R (Repair and Alteration of existing ASME Pressure Vessels) stamp from NB for acting at two SOCAR projects in Azerbaijan (Oil, Gas Processing and Petrochemical Complex (OGPC) and The Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Modernization Feed Project).. • Composing of ASME Quality Manual, more than 30 exhibit (forms) and leading all ASME certification and consultation matters with TUV Nord (design, preparation of Demo sample, procedures, certification of welders, calibration of the equipment, etc.). • Tendering and choosing of Notification Body (Lloyd Register) for Design Review and in-process inspections and testing of 225 Offshore Containers accordingly to BS EN 12079 Part 1 and DNV 2.7.1 standards for SOCAR. Lead all QA/QC matters. Preparation of QCP, procedures, check lists, etc. for production. • Lead all matters for welder’s certification accordingly to ASME part IX, AWS D 1.1 and BS EN. • Negotiations with Samsung Engineering, Seoul Machinery, Doosan Mecatek in Seoul (South Korea), Technip, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Maire Tecnimont Group, etc. for various projects and STP products. • Technical audit of STP plants and factories as the member of audit team. Recommendations for improvement of quality, safety, equipment, technology, qualification of staff, etc. • Coordination of the process of National certification for Pressure Vessels, mobile and overhead cranes.
Октябрь 2013Октябрь 2014
1 год 1 месяц
KENAN Construction & Trade Joint-Venture

Баку, www.kenan.az

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Project Manager and Construction Manager
• Day to day management of Harvey Nichols project in Globus Plaza Baku (more than 150 employers at construction site and all subcontractors). • Subcontracting of Mitsubishi a nd Konefor three lifts construction. • Lead mechanical works (HVAC, fire figting, water piping and dranage). • Assisting for spare parts and service establishing with Caterpillar USA (generators) and Fulton USA (boilers). • Liaze with design office in London and structural designer in Baku. • Composing and controling construction through MS Project. • Assisting in materials and equipment purchasing with HQ. • Single account person with client. • Responsible person for safety at site. • Lead metal and welding works and controling the quality by TPI company.
Сентябрь 2012Сентябрь 2013
1 год 1 месяц
A+B Oil Services Ltd

Азербайджан, www.aplusb.az

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QHSE Deputy Director (Projects Manager)
• Composing Policy, procedures, check lists, instructions, etc. for obtaining ISO 9001 Management Sytem Certificate and negosiations with Certification Companies (Bureau Veritas, TÜV, AzerCert). • Preparations for obtaining OHSAS 18001 Certificate (preparation safety procedures, chech lists, trainings, safety signs, etc.) • Lead several tendering process for LUKOIL Overseas in Iraq Republic (Work over rigs inspection), for Missan Oil Company (Iraq Ministry of Oil) – repair of Sumitomo’s casing CSG 20" , H-40 , 94#, BTC; CSG 9 5/8" P-110, 53.5#, LTC and other. • Negotiations with manufacturers for NDT and welding equipment and consumables. • Contakts with shop and designers for various aspects of manufacturing and design of various tanks, steel metal construction, etc. • Checking various onshore drilling equipment documentation and procedures and correcting them. • Lead NDT control and pressure testing of manufactured and used equipment. • Lead preparation of construction documentation for BP’s Shah Daniz phase 2 Gas field construction project (various designs – architectural, mechanical, electrical, HVAC, recommendations about flat packed system and equipment, construction aspect in Baku and finally logistic and other aspects). • Negosiations with Europe and USA companies and selecting the winner for BP Shah Daniz phase 2 Gas field construction project.
Июнь 2010Август 2012
2 года 3 месяца
BP Azerbaijan (BP AGT)

Азербайджан, www.bp.com

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Equipment Quality Specialist (Equipment Integrity Engineer)
• Assist in managing a third party services risk assessment process which ensures all risks are identified and programmes put in place to meet the anticipated wells and operating environments. • Assist BP Specifying Engineers in the identification of critical equipment through the implementation of a formal criticality assessment exercise and develop the associated integrity plans to manage the identified risks. Promote and support the use of Equipment Statement of Requirements for critical equipment. • Guide Specifying Engineers in the identification of technical, assurance and verification requirements for functional and technical specifications including applicable standards, normative documents, certification, etc. • Review Manufacturer/Supplier technical and quality documents to ensure that the Project/Bisiness Unit specification requirements have been adequately addressed (11 Global and 23 Azerbaijan Specific QCP for approved vendors from BP AVL; Inspection and Engineering Matrixes). • Liaise with certifying bodies, BP Wells Teams, BP Equipment Integrity Assurance (EIA) teams, technical experts and suppliers for the purpose of delivering EIA. • Conduct periodic audits and appraisals of suppliers and maintaining a sufficient level of BP presence during manufacturing, workshop and testing processes (SLB Belfast, SLB Singapore, SLB Baku, Baker Huges Baku, HAL Azerbaijan, WFT Azerbaijan, Cameron Baku, etc). • Develop inspection programmes that are aligned with managing the identified risks and delivering value. • Develop/support a third party inspection (TPI) strategy and manage TPI service providers (DTI USA, Intertek-Moody International, VAM Services, Fearnley Procter UK, Technology Offshore Onshore Ltd UK., Campbell & Associate Ltd. Singapore, etc). • Promote training and coaching in EIA to the well organization (NCR management as NCR data base administrator; Equipment Integrity training and Equipment Statement of Reuirements for critical euipment). • Support failure investigations.
Январь 2009Октябрь 2009
10 месяцев
Gulf Drilling Supply FZE

Азербайджан, www.gulfdrilling.az

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Head Technical Specialist on drilling and work over rigs, equipment and infrastructure
• Responsible for the maintenance of all rigs and equipment. • Responsible for the Inspection (DS-1, API Spec 5D, API Spec 7L, etc) of all rigs and equipment including 3rd Party Inspection. • Responsible for diagnostic on failed equipment and tools (root cause analysis, development of corrective and preventive actions). • Responsible for preparation of all procedures for maintenance and inspection. • Preparation of all necessary Check Lists, Log and Maintenance Books, Repair Schedule and etc. • Preparation of various training programs (Maintenance of Drilling Rig, BOP, etc). • Preparation of Safety Training Programs and Advanced Safety Audits at drilling sites. • Controlling of Safety procedures in cooperation with Safety Manager. • Contacts with suppliers like Caterpillar, Parker, SSI etc and preparation the service contracts.
Сентябрь 2006Декабрь 2008
2 года 4 месяца
Burea Veritas Russia

Москва, www.bureau-veritas.ru

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Projects Manager
Project Manager April 2008 December 2008 • Responsible for all Technical Vendors Assessments/Audits (Scheduling, communicating, technical part, QA/QC part, Safety part, etc) Forty Russian Vendors Plants (Pressure Vessels, Pipes, Bends, Tees, Thermal Insulation, Ball Valves, Electrical Equipment and Cables, Tanks, etc). • Vendor Technical Assessments/Audits as approved by Total Assessor/Auditor (technical part, QA/QC part, Safety part) for TOTAL Exploration Production Russia of Pipe Steel Works Plants (including bends and tees) and valves producers. • Project Manager (September 2006 – April 2008). Responsible for management of three “Shop Inspection” projects and teams in Vyksa Steel Works Plant, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen sites – inspection and delivering of pipes and pipe lines elbows (bends). Design and approve of Inspection plans and Process Specification Program for seam welding pipes and bends for Rosneft Oil Company www.rosneft.com/english Quality of supervised inspectors 20 men. • Preparation of various contracts (inspections and safety offers) for oil and gas companies. • Audit of plants production program for conformance with ISO 11439:2000(E) and ISO 4633:2002 (E) requirements (gas cylinders for automotive and rubber o-rings production for iron steel pipes). • Vendor Technical Audit for GASCO in Russia of VSW – Vyksa Steel Works Plant for 17,000 ton seam welding pipes and bends for pipe line production. • Certification of products as IBR”s registered (Indian Boiler Regulation) Inspector for TMK Steel Company. • Inspections of various types of equipment (drilling bits, valves, railway wheels for SAMSUNG, offshore containers for Schlumberger, etc). • CE-Marking of Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and Construction Products under EU Directive 89/106/EEC.
Март 2005Сентябрь 2006
1 год 7 месяцев
Bureau Veritas Azerbaijan

Азербайджан, www.bureauveritas.com

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HSE Advisor for BP at Sangachal Oil and Gas Terminal and An Inspector of Industrial Department.
QA/QC Inspector Lead Auditor (J. Ray McDermott Baku Deep Water Jackets Fabrication Yard – quantity of employees including subcontractors – 4000 men).  Internal (Departments) Audits of Integrated Management System (ISO 9001; OHSAS 18001; ISO 14001).  External (Subcontractors) Audits of Integrated Management System (ISO 9001; OHSAS 18001; ISO 14001). HSE Advisor for AIOC (BP, SOCAR, etc.) at Sangachal Oil and Gas Terminal (quantity of employees including subcontractors – 5000 men).  All coach issues for British Petroleum’s Golden Rules (Permit to Work, Working at Heights, Energy Isolation, Vehicle Safety, Ground Disturbance, Confined Space, Lifting Operations, and Management of Change). An Inspector of Industrial Department.  Negotiations with customers and preparation of contracts.  Lifting Gear Inspections and Issue of Certificates in accordance with ASME B30 and BV Rules.  Inspections of Pressure Equipments (Power and Heating Boilers, etc. in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and BV Rules).  Various Third Part Inspections and Witnessing (Issue of Certificates and Inspection Reports).  Certification of welders and issue of Certificates in accordance with EN and ASME standards.
Январь 2004Январь 2005
1 год 1 месяц
CAN Caspian” - Branch of British CAN Offshore in Baku

Азербайджан, www.cangroup.net

General Manager
 All technical issues of Baku office including NDT inspections of BP divisions in Azerbaijan and Georgia and Baku-Supsa pipeline. Lifting Gear equipment inspection of BP divisions in Azerbaijan (SPS, CSM and Sangachal Terminal).  Negotiations with other worldwide known customers for NDT, Inspections and Rope Access.
Июнь 2001Январь 2004
2 года 8 месяцев
Baku Steel Company - American-British Metallurgy Company

Азербайджан, www.bakusteel.com

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Mechanical Engineer
 Controlling the conditions of mould furnace, rolling mill, cranes gears and etc.  Monthly analyze report of equipment condition and planning the repairs in melting and rolling equipment.  To take part in the repair of all plant’s equipment.  To order the spare parts in fabrication shop and controlling the time and the quality of fabrication.  Choose and order mechanical handling tools, gears, bearings, seals, cutting tools and etc.  Iinvestigations and composition the “Emergency Investigation Acts” as member of Investigation committee.
Октябрь 1988Май 2001
12 лет 8 месяцев
State Concern “Azneftekimmash”


Various from Technologist and designer to Official Representative in CIS
Official Representative for CIS.  Responsible for all technical issues with foreign companies in CIS.  Participation in international exhibitions as the technical specialist.  Monthly controlling the conditions of equipment for export of 20 machine-building plants.  Involving in marketing and technical consultation salesman of equipment of 20 machine-building plants.  Negotiations and concluding contracts. Surakhany machine-building plant of State Concern “Azneftekimmash”, Baku. From 1993 to 1999. Deputy Head of the External Economic Relations Department  Responsible for using new technology and the quality of export production.  Participation in international exhibitions as the technical specialist.  Market research of the produced equipment.  Consultant of “BakTexac” joint-venture (USA EVI-HIGLAND and Surakhany machine-building Plant for sucker-rod pumps production on API standard).  Control of the export product quality.  Negotiations and concluding the contracts.  Issues related to the transportation and customs.  Export of the equipment and the import of the facility and raw materials. State Concern “Azneftekimmash” (Head Office) Baku, Azerbaijan and “Azinmash”. 1988 – 1993 Research Institute of State Concern “Azneftekimmash” Baku. Head Specialist on quality of export production and Head Specialist on Design.  Responsible for using new technology and the quality of export production.  Export of equipment.  Negotiations and business with CIS, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran and etc.  Participation in international exhibitions as the technical expert.  Design and testing of X-mass trees, ball and gate valves, etc.  Design and technical calculation of new models and types of equipment.
Июль 1997Октябрь 1998
1 год 4 месяца
Semisubmersible Sea Platform for prospect drilling of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)


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Specialist on repair and using of Offshore Drilling Equipment
Specialist on repair and using of Offshore Drilling Equipment


Уровни владения навыками
Drilling offshore and onshore
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
Integrated Management System
ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor
OHSAS 18001 Auditor
Onshore and Offshore experience
Pressure Vessels
Project management
Technical Auditor
Various Inspections
Welding and NDT

Опыт вождения

Права категории B

Обо мне

Twenty four-year worth of experience in design, testing, production, exploration (onshore and offshore), inspection and sale of equipment used in gas and oil industry, drilling, geological and exploration work. 1982 – 1987 Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan. Mechanical Engineer. Diploma from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineers for oil and gas fields.  Completion & Well Intervention Course, BP Chevron Training Alliance, Bangkok, Thailand.  ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Training Course, BSI, Nottingham, UK.  ISO 9001 Internal Auditor Training Course, Bureau Veritas, Azerbaijan.  OHSAS 18001 Internal Auditor Training Course, Bureau Veritas, Azerbaijan.  Weld Inspector Level - 2, PCN number 310312. Argyll-Ruane Ltd., Rotherham Training Center, UK.  Welding Inspector Training Course - Bureau Veritas, Istanbul, Turkey.  NDT Appreciation Course (UT, MPI, DP, RI and Eddy Current) – Lavender International Ltd, Sheffield, UK.  Inspector of Pressure Equipment – Bureau Veritas, Istanbul, Turkey.  Lifting Equipment Examiners Course – North Sea Lifting Limited, RGIT Montrose, Aberdeen, UK.  Rope Access Technician Level -1 of NSL – Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA), Aberdeen, UK.  Team Leader Duties and Responsibilities - CAN Offshore, Aberdeen, UK.  Behavioral Safety & Safety Observation and Conversation Course – Caspian Safe, Baku, Azerbaijan.  Fire Warden Awareness Course, Caspian Safe, Baku, Azerbaijan.  Construction Products Directive 89/106/EC (CE Marking), Bureau Veritas, Russia.

Высшее образование

Azerbaijan Oil and Gas Institute
Mechanical, Engineer Master (five years)

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Азербайджан

Разрешение на работу: Азербайджан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения